Home study books compared to green book

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Home study books compared to green book

Post by waterflogger_no_more »

Hi all,

I see many references to the "green book", which I now presume is the "SPOONPLUGGING YOUR GUIDE TO LUNKER CATCHES" book. I have the entire home study course, which I've gotten mostly through, and I assumed I was probably getting all the information that's in the green book, if it's the one I'm referencing. But -- am I wrong about this? Is there material covered in the green book that's not in the home study course? If so I need to get this other book, clearly.

This comes up because Brian (Team9nine) referred me to some specific pages in the "green book" and when I went to the home study course and pulled out the green volume, it obviously wasn't the same document he referred to.
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Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by Jerry Borst »

"Spoonpluging, Your guide to Lunker catches" is often referred to as the  "Geeen book" so yes you are correct. Most people start with the green book and in their desire for more then go on to the study course. I don't know but would have to guess that for every 1000 green books sold only one study course is purchased. For that reason the green book is what most refer to when talking in specifics. Good luck and welcome!
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Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by yaaintdeadyet »

I know that the first angle of Spoonplugging I experienced was via a Fishing Facts mag article from the early 70's. That article led me to the green book. Eventually buying the course books. This was while living in Southern Indiana. A move west and busier life saw less fishing time. My "Guide to Lunker Catches" along with the study course books didn't find their way in the move. There are new study course books at the ready near my easy chair or in my camper. It's time to pick up another "Guide to Lunker Catches".
I'm glad you asked this question. Thanks for the motivation to replace that lost copy.
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Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by waterflogger_no_more »

Thanks -- so does the green book have information not included in the home course study?
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Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by Team9nine »

I don't really believe so. The Green book was written first, a one stop shop for everything spoonplugging. The Home Study course came later, about 640 pages worth of material broken down into sections (booklets/study guides) that go into a bit more detail regarding specific chapters found in the Green book. Most people would probably recommend having both. I like the Green book simply because most everything can be found and easily referenced there making it simple to transfer knowledge. Some guys even keep a copy on their boat as reference - probably wouldn't see that with the Home Study course. Home Study course was to allow you to read and learn (train) at your own pace, more "school-like."


Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by Skyscraper »

I have both the green book and the home study course.
I think the home study course has more information than the green book, certainly more examples, more graphics, and more FAQ's answered by Buck.

The green book is a good summary, and the home study course has more in-depth information.
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Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by waterflogger_no_more »

Thanks, I'll get the green book. I've already discovered the home study course is quite in depth, but also harder to reference specific things because of the way it's organized. Almost done with book 8!
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Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by Fran Myers »

The amounts of materials out there is incredible. Literally THOUSANDs of College level papers and lessions. Mr Perry never really wanted to write as much as he did. But education was the point.

There were a number of individual pages that were included in the lure boxes. Then there was the little grey books which is a smaller version of the Green Book.

In the late 50's and 60's Mr Perry had On-the-Water School where the course materials, News paper articles, and things. I call this the 'Blue Book'. Because it was in a Blue 3-Ring notebook. 90% of this book makes up the entire 'Home Study Course'. I have repeated read all the materials and there was some cool stuff not put in.

In 1972 I think, As Education Editor for ''Fishing Facts', Mr Perry began a 13-part set of articles that literally made the 'Green Book'. The 1st Edition (which you can still purchase from Bucks Baits), had a Black leather cover with a Green dust jacket. It was created to look like the 'Bible of Fishing'. There is a difference between the 1st Edition and the paper backed version but the differences do not involve actual fishing knowledge.

Then the Home Study came out which is the most detailed book about fishing you can buy today. While All the contents of the 'Green Book' is inside the Home Study, the home study expands and gets into greater details.

As a former College Teacher and Airline Pilot, I promise there is nothing timid with these books. Very Technical, detail, and there is a lot of it.

There are some other smaller pamphlets...
17 Structure Situations,
The Spoonplugger Guideline,
100's of articles

If you take it in small doeses and keep working at it a little bit everyday and you'll enjoy it. If you stack it all up and just try to swallow it whole, you will quit.

Just take it easy and enjoy. Ask a lot of questions. We will answer. Then get on the water.

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Re: Home study books compared to green book

Post by waterflogger_no_more »

Thanks Fran. I've been enjoying reading the home course, and now I'll probably go back through it again...
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