Update on John Z

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John Bales
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Update on John Z

Post by John Bales »

I try to talk to John Z once a week or so. So the latest on his cancer is one of two types . It's in his blood and bones so his own way of marijuana oil will not touch this. He ended up heading to Florida where he had serious dehydration going on and ended up in the hospital. The doctors told him what he has must be treated with chemo which John swore he would not do. When they told him it would be a rough road with 40 treatments and maybe get him another 7-8 years if he would start right now, John said let's do it. Sounds like they want him to remain there for 18-25 days but could maybe down the road get treatment closer to home. I don't know much more than that. He is in good spirits and pretty sure the nurses will hear things they never heard in their lives. I guess this is what makes John Z special. He can be so rotten to the core but can still have a heart of gold. John
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John Bales
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Re: Update on John Z

Post by John Bales »

John Z is doing the chemo and as expected is not normal in any way. He knows there will be a long road but they tell him what he has is curable so he is with the program. They sent him home yesterday and he has to go back next week and stay for four days for another treatment. This is all I know. John
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Jerry Borst
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Re: Update on John Z

Post by Jerry Borst »

I agree, anyone who has ever met John Zaborny 1 time, will tell you a lot of things... including he is one tough son of a bitch, with a heart of gold. We Pray for a speedy recovery!
Jerry and Toni Borst
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John Bales
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Re: Update on John Z

Post by John Bales »

John Z sent me some pics yesterday of a nice group of bass he got in Florida. So happy he is able to get out there and do what he loves. We didn't talk about his condition, just fishing. Love this guy like a brother. John
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Re: Update on John Z


I lost my wife of 45 years to Pancreatic cancer 5 years ago (1/30/2018),,,I have little faith in chemo and the doctors who push/sell it. My wife beat the odds of her prognosis with cannabis oil taken orally and rectally. Oil supplied by dispenceries is not as potent as oil made with multi strains. I belong to a great cannabis community on Facebook where there are many testimonials and interviews of people who have eliminated their cancers after being told they have 4-6 months . The administrator of this group is on her 10th year anniversary of being cancer free and has dedicated here life to helping people and pointing them in the right direction. My thought and prayers are with John. If I can be of any help ,let me know.
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John Bales
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Re: Update on John Z

Post by John Bales »

John takes the oil also. He also makes his own oil and grows the best weed around. :) John
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John Bales
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Re: Update on John Z

Post by John Bales »

Just got an update from John Z. Dr. visit showed Cancer is 99% remission. This is what he said and pray that it stays that way. Wow. John
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Re: Update on John Z


Praise God!
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