Jerry Borst

Basic movements,control/tools, structure,weather/water, presentation lures, lake types, mapping, mental aspects
D. kevin Hogue

Jerry Borst

Post by D. kevin Hogue »

I just took a sip of the Koolaid. I am on page 59 of the book, am I allowed to ask ? now or do I have to finnish reading the whole book? So when are we going to Detroit?
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Fran Myers
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Fran Myers »

No, Just ask your questions. It helps to read but if during your study you don't understand something, how else can you get the answers you need. If you're trying or if your just trying poach information, we're smart enough to know based on what you ask. So please particiapate.

Kool Aid...well I guess I understand why someone who doesn't know the materials might say that but if you spend a little time reading then a little time on the water trying to use what you read - then you'd understand why people have strong feelings about what Mr. Perry wrote. The people who actually knew or were trained by Mr. Perry have even stronger feelings. We're not Mormons or Jehova Witnesses. We won't knock on your door to get you to switch to our ways. The materials we follow are freely available. By reading and practicing on your own is how you become so dedicated. 99% won't want to crack a book. Thats fine.

Again, please ask. Im not usually that far away from the Internet.

Fran Myers
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Steve Craig »

Mr. Hogue,
Welcome to the board.
Mr. Perry always said there is no such thing as a dumb question.
Please ask your questions.
Iron sharpens iron. Mr Perry knew this. We all learn from someone else asking questions.
It helps to keep us on our toes, so to speak.
One of the things we all want new potential Spoonpluggers to do is to read the Green Book. It just shows that you are willing to walk the walk with us.
We always figure that if a guy isnt willing to at least read the book, then they will usually fall by the wayside, wasting not only our time, but yours as well.
Again......we dont have because we do not ask.
Religion is a guy in church, thinking about fishing.
Relationship is a guy out fishing, thinking about God!

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Duplex »

D. Kevin Hogue,

Please don't take this the wrong way. You've made it all the way to Weather and you have questions?!!! Sorry, by now you should have answers. Your best bet is to take the Green Book back to where you bought it and ask for a refund. No foul. No harm. Spoonplugging is not for you.

Hope you find the answers you're looking for.

D. kevin Hogue

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by D. kevin Hogue »

I have just started reading the book so the ? I have might be answerd as I get further into it.

I met Jerry about 8-9 years ago at a swap meet and he told me a little about Spoonplugging and that I need to buy the green book. I have been joking to him about taking me fishing but he said he wouldn't till I read the book. Well I told him I would just say I got the book but he said he would quiz me on it so I have actually got it. I was just joking about the Kool Aid because I know how serious he is about Spoonplugging.

Btw Jerry I do respect your views on Spoonplugging but I don't understand your undying support of Obama.
D. kevin Hogue

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by D. kevin Hogue »

Thanks for being so welcoming Jim. So what you are saying is that my ? should have been answerd by now and if they wern't, just stop reading and throw the book away because I'm too stupid to figure it out from here. Maybe you are some sort of elitest who wouldn't be able to help anyway as for the other two who offerd help I thank you and look forward to your help. As for Jim the main point of this thread was to talk to Jerry Borst so why did you need to jump in with anything of nonimportance.

And as I said I'm sure the answers will come as I read the book and if I have a ? it will not be asked of you Jim.

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Duplex »

D. Kevin Hogue,

As was stated in the previous post, please don't take this the wrong way. The comments were meant to be helpful.

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John Bales
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by John Bales »

Kevin, Actually, the questions will really start when you actually get out on the water and make an attempt to make it work. No one gets in my boat unless they have read the green book and then they must show that they are putting in some effort on their own on the water. When I started spoonplugging, there were three of us that started at the same time. There was no one out there for us to lean on for any answers. No internet. In the first 15 years of learning, I wrote three letters to Mr. Perry for some direction and he answered all three and we did what he said to do each time and made it past the hard times. I keep reminding our spoonpluggers that this forum is a blessing for those looking to take their knowledge to the next level. Jim Shell did a really good thing for the spoonpluggers by making this possible.
Spoonplugging is the way to go if you want to be a good fisherman. One of the things that Mr. Perry didn't dwell on is how hard you need to work to make his knowledge work. His writings must be studied and believed and then you need to spend enough time on the water to understand all the variables that need to be learned. It can be learned in a few short years if a person is willing to put forth the effort.
Don't fault Jim for his reaction. We have both seen many of fishermen come and go. Spoonplugging is not for everyone and that should be understood. If you want to be a great golfer, you should read up on what the best have to say and then spend a lot of time on the golf course. Fishing is no different. The best thing about being a spoonplugger is that our guidelines that Buck Perry gave us is the truth about fishing and if you study and work hard with a lot of time on the water, you can become as good as you want to be. John
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Jerry Borst
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Jerry Borst »

Dale, Kevin, joe....

Your a complete nut job joe! Sorry I missed this, 1st post and your already stirring the pot. Guys we need to keep an eye on this one..... can't trust those Michigan wantabie spoonpluggers. :lol: Oh and btw I didn't vote for your boy,,, wonder. However, it was a pleasure seeing your better half.... and meeting your daughter and,,, and,, and you,, too I guess... last month at the muskie swap in Chicago. Though I think you may have cost us a few dozen Lure Retriever sale$, thanks for that lol. I gave Toni explicit instructions to handle the Retriever sales,,, and to wear something tight and low cut, but instead we sat around while she described her 1st trip to the river and the muskies she caught, better find out if she's read the book..... :mrgreen:

A trip out on the river huh? The Detroit river is a great body of water, a lot of fish and many interesting structure situations, (keep reading) so yes my word is good but as we've talked about for the last,,, 8+ years.... I think it's important to have some understanding of what were doing, (spoonpluggers can be a bit unconventional) the when were doing it and why. After you complete the scriptures,,,, did I forget to mention a hefty fee is also due before launch time? Do you think you can actually finish the book by mid June, it has taken you this long to get started, just asking? I'll give ya $5 buck for the book right now, you pay the shipping.

Keep reading my friend,,,,, "ALL" of the "important" fishing related answers and the questions we should be asking are in that book! Congrats btw! We'll see........ Don't let distractions ever get in the way, and besides you two have a lot in common, you and he voted for the same....., maybe sometime you two can share a boat ride, ha ha.

Really?? It only took you all this time?,, Tell me, what was it? What put you over the top? Was it charm? My deep immense knowledge of the subject? Toni's low cut shirt? Or my pure persistence and persuasive ways? Who said we should ever give up on finding the next Buck Perry, We may have found him, "Dale Joe Perry". Regardless we all welcome you with.... open arms and a jolly, GET YOUR A$S out there and get busy! You might even like it! =D>
Last edited by Jerry Borst on Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
D. kevin Hogue

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by D. kevin Hogue »

It took me 8 years to read Dale Carnegie's book "How to win friends & influence people" but I think I should send it back for a refund too.

Toni could have sold some retrievers if they wouldn't fall apart when you picked them up. I'm surprised we all didn't get led poisoning from them like the Chinese kids who are chained to a rock making them do. :lol:

And you want to charge me for driving around dragging a lure behind the boat and drinking beer? I have paid my fair share unlike you wealthy union carpenters so it's time you paid your's.

Well after hearing your tails all these years and not doing as well as I would like I knew there had to be something to this. And Jim the book has answerd ? for me and I still have more but as I said the more I read the more that will be answerd. I don't know how you could go into a book like this without ? and after reading only 59 pages that all of them could have been answerd. So Jerry I am looking forward to your quizing me and to hopefully get out with you. Btw Snyder is talking about raising the out of state lic. to 75$.
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Fran Myers
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Fran Myers »

Hey Um...

Did I fall into some sort of banter that I don't know the backstory? I was kind of shocked when I saw some of the posts here and for once I managed to control myself before I wrote something I would regret. So someone, anyone...Tell me that this is some sort of Duplex/Bales "You couldn't do this" thread and I'll just sit on the curb and watch.
Fran Myers
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Jerry Borst »

"How to win friends" huh?... You may need a short refresher course.  :mrgreen:

Yea Fran I guess you could call it that, np!

Dale, if we get out there together it will be from sun up, or when ever you roll out, till sun down aprox 15+hrs of 100% hammer down focus and there will be no beer drinking, otw...

I'll supply the rods and such but you may want to get stocked up on a variety of Spoonplugs, "white" is the "hot" color pattern ha ha! The new JB2 musky size spoonplug wouldn't be out of line either, just in case you get hung up and can't figure out how to use that lure retriever. :razz:
Ok buddy keep going and we'll stay in touch.
D. kevin Hogue

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by D. kevin Hogue »

Jerry, could you e-mail me your phone number please? I have few ?.

Also would you like me to pick up some Red Sovine or Jerry Reed 8 tracks for you?
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by CHAMP »

Have to ask since this post was back in 2013 has this guy become a spoonplugger? D. Kevin Hogue
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Jerry Borst »

Just sent him my number, needed to give him some time to read the rest of the book. Let you know if I hear from our buddy Dale.

Kevin, Fyi I'll be in Detroit June 19th-26th of 2021
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