A prayer

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The Fisherman

A prayer

Post by The Fisherman »

Hello fellow Spoonpluggers, though I have met none of you personally I want all of you to know that you are my family. I have been truly blessed by God to have friends like you all to speak with. I would like to ask that anyone who is a Christian, a child of God, please say a special prayer for me and my family. There is a situation at home, that for me, is unbearable and the most traumatic thing that I have ever dealt with. I appreciate those of you that chose to do this for me, thank you.

Joshua Douglas Travis
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John Bales
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Re: A prayer

Post by John Bales »

I'll say one for you Josh. John
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Steve Craig
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Re: A prayer

Post by Steve Craig »

I am sorry to hear of this trial you are facing. Just want to let you know that God is still on His Throne, still watches over all of us, and He knows what you are going through.
He cares deeply for you and your family and He promises to never give you more than you can handle in your life.
He is right there with you every step of the way. Just put your faith in Him, as there is nothing He cant do!
I have asked that He have great Mercy on you and your situation, and that He grant you the Oil of Joy and the Cloak of Praise in your life once again.
Blessings to you my friend......and just know that there are many on here that will be praying for you!

Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction. - Thomas Jefferson
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Fran Myers
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Re: A prayer

Post by Fran Myers »

I am sorry and you and your family are in my thoughts.

The Fisherman

Re: A prayer

Post by The Fisherman »

Thank you all.

TN Dave
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Re: A prayer

Post by TN Dave »


We will send a prayer for you and yours. Please read and re-read Steve thoughtful and insightful words. Very well said!

Re: A prayer

Post by sandlapper »

Ditto to Steve's comments. Will pray for your situation.
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Re: A prayer

Post by beckman44 »

Josh; Sometimes life throws us some tough blows. I will say a prayer for you and your family that every thing will work out. Bill Beck.

Re: A prayer

Post by WhopperStopper »

Hear is what the Bible has to say about your situation. 1 Peter 4;12-13 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's suffering's that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.


I will remember you as I pray. Have much faith my friend!

Re: A prayer

Post by spnplgrkenny »

I am very sorry about the situation you are facing. If there's anything I can do for you or your family, don't hesitate to call. I will definitely say a prayer.
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Re: A prayer

Post by Jerry Borst »

Well said Steve! Josh, we're all thinking and praying for you and your family.

Jerry Borst
Heavy Duty Lure Retrievers

Re: A prayer

Post by Bassdawgie »

I went through quite a hellish year myself, in 2011,so many things went wrong at the same time that many days I was prepared for that day to sink me so deep that there was no possibility of recovery. I never wet a line, or launched a boat, the whole year, due to the pressure on every side.You yourself know that is in itself pretty serious business.I spent many long nights crying out to God, and questioning His plan, and, frankly, sometimes even His love for me. Now, i am no spring chicken, 20 years a Christian, know my scripture, very active in a Praise and Worship band, into which i was sure that He called me, in a strong Bible believing Church, yet all these terrible spiritual/emotional/marital things were happening to me... The only course short of suicide or homicide that seemed right to me was to draw closer to Jesus through true repentance, prayer, scripture, and continuing to hold up my duty to our worship team, and anything that i could do to bring attention to Him, and to reach out to anyone who i could help by any means at my disposal. Slowly at first, then with great authority and power, He restored all that had been taken from me, and gave me "beauty for ashes". Why? Many theories exist, with plenty of scripture to support each position, but the sum of my thoughts about the matter: So that i can tell/help others to get through the inevitable rough spots/trials/horrors of this life that we are certain to face, so that we can have the true compassion for their situations that we can pray deeply for them, when they lack the strength of faith to pray for themselves. So that people can know that God IS concerned about them, and that the Bible is just not another book about some old dead dudes, but a real book of truth, love and answers for US, right now. I know that it is. I know this has been very personal, and a little tough for me to express, but i felt compelled to speak to you personally, and not in platitudes, or as if i have all the answers. You seem to be a young man of courage, intelligence and character.Draw on these qualities, and when you have gone as far as you can go, reach out to Jesus, wait on him in faith, and prepare to be amazed.I will pray for you until you tell me to quit.Dwight
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Re: A prayer

Post by TN Dave »


A very powerful and heartening message for all of us!

Seems as if the last few months have been an open season of troubles for a lot of us. Seems as if the best folks I know have had just about, if not more, than they could handle in their lives; and were doing everything they should be doing.

Thanks for sharing such an inspiring story.

TN Dave

Re: A prayer

Post by Bassdawgie »

My hope is that my story could be of help to Josh, or anyone in similar circumstance.. To sort of dispel the somber tone of this, i would suggest that anyone who is having a bad day/month/year cruise on over to the "Video" section, and check out those videos, very entertaining and informative. Some of them are hilarious as well, guaranteed to lift the spirits. I particularly enjoy Mr. Duplex, the "Banana King". If that stuff doesn't get you going, better head in for some medication! Dwight
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