At least it's Friday - who cares? I'm retired

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At least it's Friday - who cares? I'm retired

Post by TN_Explorer »

I wasn't really sure where I should post this, since I DID catch one (6") fish, but I don't think I can really call it a fishing report.

So I headed out this morning to beat the rain and map some spots. Seems everyone else took the day off, as the parking lot was chock full. There was only one guy at the ramp, and he had already loaded and was talking to a groupie about his Jeep and hot boat. I only had to wait about 10 minutes for the party to break up and then I put in. Drove around for another 5 minutes until I found a spot I could back into and park the trailer. Got back to the boat and discovered I had a dead battery. No problem, it's only a 25, and she started right up on the twenty seventh pull. After a couple of minutes to let the battery charge, I turned on the depth finder & it went into some wacky menu I had never seen before -- did I want to go to setup, power off, or check the status of my latest order? So I randomly hit a few buttons and successfully turned the screen black. Power off, power on, pulled fuse & held the power button, nothing. It would turn on, give me the happy Lowrance logo, and go black. So much for mapping. No problem, I can troll the riprap - as soon as that bass boat moves. 45 minutes and one 6" fish later I decided to call it a morning.

Went home, got online and spent two hours researching the best battery for my application before heading to Walmart and buying the cheapest one they had in stock. Got back home and two minutes after beginning to install it, the 40% chance of rain decided to bless me with its appearance. Apparently it was a 40% chance of LOTS of rain. So I cleared a spot in the garage and backed the boat in & got the battery installed & everything seems to work now, including the fishfinder (apparently, if you hold down the power key, it turns off the screen backlight).

I'm marking today down as successful since the new battery works, the sun is out and there is still one beer left in the refrigerator.
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Fran Myers
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Re: At least it's Friday - who cares? I'm retired

Post by Fran Myers »

It’s sounds like a good day. I drove to the lake today and the lake ice looks like it’ll last till July
Yesterday, I flew my plane around the lake and there was not even a small sign of opening. There were roads plowed all over the lake. It’s really cool.

Last summer I fished a number of times where I caught nothing. Then after 3 or 4 trips I FINALLY hook 3
Six inch smallies in 39’. What is funny is I know where I have fished and I have only fished such a tiny percentage of the total lake.
Instead of being frustrated, I am even more excited to explore the rest of the lake.

We are so lucky to have been left with the knowledge that no matter the species, body of water - salt to sweet, the we have a method to attack that with enough effort you’ll be successful. 6” fish can teach a lot.
Fran Myers
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Re: At least it's Friday - who cares? I'm retired

Post by Steve Craig »

Mountains around the house are again covered in snow here, so no trips for this weekend. High Country roads are a mess. Pouring rain here all weekend with occasional spitting snow.
6 inchers can show you where, for the bigger gals. Also Low voltage will not allow your unit to function.

Decided to take wife and Granddaughter to Phoenix and visit Cabelas to check out the newest Active Target or Live Scope today.
It appears Mega Live is on hold for a while.

Somedays are Diamonds, some days are Stone. The best part? The Good Lord allowed us to have another day above the grass!!!
Religion is a guy in church, thinking about fishing.
Relationship is a guy out fishing, thinking about God!
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Jerry Borst
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Re: At least it's Friday - who cares? I'm retired

Post by Jerry Borst »

Some days just seem go that way but better off to get em out of the way and plow forward. The one constant in fishing and probably just about everything else is the obstacles. Some are big, some not so much. The one thing I always expected are obstacles. Some of our most rewarding trips have been the one's where we should have turned back but then again there's others where we should have and didn't, lol! We don't talk about those... :mrgreen:
Best of luck this season!
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Re: At least it's Friday - who cares? I'm retired

Post by brett »


Awesome report. I loved it. Sorry about your day but thanks for sharing it. I’ve had many. I bet we could fill hundreds of pages on the forum with our issues.

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