Jerry Borst

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D. kevin Hogue

Jerry Borst

Post by D. kevin Hogue »

I was wondering if you could donate one of your China, child slave labor, heavily leaded lure retrievers for a auction to get Obama a third term? If he doesn't get it we will send the money to the Hillary Clinton for Pres. fund.
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Jerry Borst
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Jerry Borst »

Your an idiot, there I said it ha!
 I prefer to call it "sweatshop, slave labor" thank you. Speaking of under age labor have you been keeping up with "Structure Fishing" the TV show! This week featured Casy (I think he's 9) catching many nice walleye, first locating them by trolling then adding to the days total by casting at them, a great show! 

You might actually have leaned something,, but I doubt it, (check out the color he was using). What was the moon phase? The season is 1/2 over but just in case you want to go from a couch potato web fishermen to actually catching something besides having your saint of a wife get you another cheese burger you can watch it online here at 8:30 cst that's 9:30 your time.

Your girl friend Hill looks like she may have crossed the line again but this time it was her so-called buds in the left wing freak media that called her out, must have pissed them off. I got it, lets get Joe, he's a at the top of his game.

  Hopefully this time you'll stick around and not get chased off by one of or own, and spoonpluggers wonder why there are no new spoonpluggers.... Not that you'll ever earn that label. Hey I called you last June, why didn't you answer? We got 48 muskies and walleyes to 29", Spoonplugging it doesn't work but one of these days "someone" will get the hang of it... :mrgreen: maybe it will be you, nah :cry:
Last edited by Jerry Borst on Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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John Bales
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by John Bales »

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! That had to hurt. You should of used a Douglas Bush quote like the empty box showing how much you care or the little girl praying with folded hands saying.........Please make it stop. Good job Jerry. You need to express yourself more often. :) John
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Jerry Borst
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Jerry Borst »

What? Was I to hard on him? Not to worry Dale/Kevin is actually a pretty good guy with a good sence of humor (did I forget to mention he's from Michigan) for being such a moron. Someday he "may" even see the light or he won't. But in the mean time you, especially you John, kids like under age Casy and thousands of others will keep kicking his ass. 
D/K you still using that steering wheel bass boat, or has it become a lawn ornament yet. I'll be on the river again this June and there's always an open seat with your name on it, you bring the sandwiches, I'll bring the beer, for me. Oh btw getting married in sept. you want to come let me know, bring some fish pictures I'd love to see one. 
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Steve Craig
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Steve Craig »

Good one! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Religion is a guy in church, thinking about fishing.
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John Bales
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by John Bales »

Jerry, Are you talking about our old buddy on the river with the long hair that was the king of the river till the spoonpluggers showed up and showed him how it's done? John

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by JBidinger »

John , Brad was his name. The King was dethroned, Tucked Tail and hasn't been seen since.. Lol.. Jerry did his best, but couldn't convert the unknowing. His loss.
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Jerry Borst
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Jerry Borst »

Jim is correct, haven't seen him in a couple years. That is "king" till you showed up :lol:. I met Dale at a muskie show swap in like 2001 and we bs back n forth every couple of years. Time to move on, the ice is a meltin :mrgreen:
D. kevin Hogue

Re: Jerry Borst

Post by D. kevin Hogue »

I wasn't scared off (even though my dumb ass hasn't been able to get past page 61) the only reason that I haven't been on much is my computer is junk so I am using my daughters.
So did you have to get one of those Russian mail order brides because it seemed Toni was way to good for you or did she loose a bet?
Just let me know when you are heading over and I will be there with my topwater lures.

the ? I had was in lakes with a thermocline is that considered bottom as far as how deep you would go because of O2. But that was answered later. Sorry that I would have a ? after only reading into the chapter on weather but there wasn't anything profound in that chapter that hasn't been rehashed in every fishing mag. out there.
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by spoonpluggergino »

Sounds like you are crying for help, I really think that you should hire Jerry, I am sure he will get you on the right track and you finally catch some fish

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Steve Craig
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Re: Jerry Borst

Post by Steve Craig »

"Sorry that I would have a ? after only reading into the chapter on weather but there wasn't anything profound in that chapter that hasn't been rehashed in every fishing mag. out there."

Maybe you should have read further???? :lol:

It could only be "rehashed" in that Buck wrote all that stuff first, back in the 40's!

One thing I will give you though..........
You sure do make plain Bucks statement that, "you cant tell someone that dont know......they dont know"!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Religion is a guy in church, thinking about fishing.
Relationship is a guy out fishing, thinking about God!
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