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Casting in current ?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:55 pm
by bucksnort
Any tips? In my situation there is enough current to put a bow in my line before i reach bottom. Can trust my drop count because the rate of fall is different depending on where i cast. Not really a problem for fishing but for mapping it is.

Thanks CHarlie

Re: Casting in current ?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:22 pm
by John Bales
Charlie, You are not really mapping when you are counting down a lure. You are gaining information on the depth of the water. Mapping is done by your interpretation of bottom conditions. Aids are lures and the depth meter. Dont try to be so precise on everything. You will drive yourself nuts. Just go out and do the things you need to do and the less important things will show up in time. John