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Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:28 pm
by John Bales
Did you guys hear about this group of government idiots that are trying to stop commercial and recreational fishing? It was on the news tonight. Mr. Perry said to me one day that there were powerful people out there that are backed by a lot of money that would try and do this. He knew it was coming. What kind of people would even think of trying something like this. Are they going to try for us first thinking that we only have fishing poles to fight with and not guns like the hunters. Will they go for them next? Why are these peoples names not out there so we know exactly who we are dealing with so we can go pay them a visit? Of all the problems that we have out there in this world some #^$^%^&%(&'s come up with this!!!!!! Any other opinions on this? John

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:04 pm
by Fran Myers
Look at some other posts here. This is a HOAX.

post Just below yours....
Culled out (0 Admin to Kill Fishing?)

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:19 pm
by spnplgr
Fran, if it is a hoax, why was it on the national news tonight?

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:26 pm
by Fran Myers
Heck if I know. Maybe it's not a hoax but the post that I listed seems pretty good. Just the outright costs, state control of natural resources, and enormous amounts of money spent by tax payers for ramps, land, parks for fishing makes this whole thing kind of hard to swallow. Plus I am I not seeing any kind of reaction from manufactures of boats, lures, or anyone.

Being a professional pilot, every time a out of control senator makes some bill - I hear about it. Either to support or fight. I just haven't seen it in the sport fishing side. I could be wrong. I hated Bush and I am not real high on Obama but it seems like they would need to recall the troops to handle the revolution in our country if this law was passed.

Night, Spnplgr

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:22 am
by indianabass
This article is from Jeffrey Weeks, a fishing columnist from North Carolina. I think it may sum up how several of us feel-

"I haven’t gotten much sleep since I called out ESPN reporter Robert Montgomery for his misleading and manipulative article which claimed that the Obama administration's decision to end the public comment phase of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force meant that President Obama is possibly preparing to issue an executive order that bans recreational fishing in America.

Everyone seems to want to know the background on this, and that’s okay with me. I am happy to be in this fight. It has been coming for a long time.

If you go back and look at our two articles you will clearly see that Mr. Montgomery and I both care passionately about fishing. We view these things in two very different ways, however. He seems to believe that a vast government conspiracy of left-wing environmental groups in cooperation with the Obama Administration is trying to shut down fishing in America as we know it.

I, on the other hand, believe strongly that fishing is in trouble in this country mainly due to the actions (or inactions) of powerful and short-sighted commercial fishing industry lobbyists who have sold out our sport over the years and have had nothing but disdain for average recreational fishermen like me.

It is difficult for the common angler, who in many cases is just caught up in trying to survive in these harsh economic times and is lucky to get to go fishing on the weekends, to clearly understand what they are hearing with the cannons blasting from all sides. Everybody involved in fishing knows they should be mad at somebody, they just aren't sure who that is.

Let me give you every disclaimer I can. In regards to politics I myself am a Democrat raised in North Carolina who voted for President Obama but who has been deeply disappointed in his administration thus far, and right now politically I’d consider myself more independent than anything else.

I happened to follow the campaign closely and got a chance to personally meet both Barack Obama and John McCain. I liked both men, and as someone who grew up next to Ft. Bragg and has been around the families of military vets all my life I deeply admire McCain and would not have been upset had he won election. Given the choice today, I honestly can’t tell you which way I’d vote.

I want you to know that so you understand I am no liberal nut job. I have fished and written about fishing and the outdoors my entire life. It is the thing I am most passionate about. I love fishing, I love to keep fish and cook them, and I think fishermen are some of the best people to look to as responsible stewards of our environment.

I have fished for decades with people in North and South Carolina who are plain, common folks that love the nature, love their kids, and care about the future. They come in all different shapes and colors, all different races and politics. I often tell people everything in the world would work out if we all could get together and just go fishing. It’s no joke. I truly believe that.

I am 40 years old and for the last 20 years of my life I have been involved as a sportsman, a teacher, and a writer in fisheries management and fisheries politics in the Carolinas. I have served on government committees dealing with these issues and I have spoken my mind about them. My record on this is clear.

During that time I have been witness to a struggle that I absolutely feel qualified to speak out about when people like ESPN’s Robert Montgomery imply that all of us fishermen should be frightened out of our skins because big, bad President Obama and the leftist environmental wackos are coming to get us.

It is not as simple as that. If I could tell the Obama Administration and the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force one thing it would be this: Do NOT lump commercial and recreational fishermen in this country together as one group and judge us for what we have or have not done.

These issues are complex, and they involve a lot of dirty local politics that has occurred over the years by short-sighted and greedy folks who have not properly managed our natural resources the way they should be managed.

I would plead with Obama and his task force not to start blanket restrictions on fishermen without recognizing that some of us have long been fighting to do the right thing and protect the resource for our children and our future.

Environmentalists and fishermen should be working together to do this. But one thing has stopped us every step of the way: the inability and unwillingness of the commercial fishing industry to accept and embrace common sense regulations that protect our nation’s fisheries.

I do not hate commercial fishermen, I do not disdain them, and I do not want them legislated or ruled out of existence. I want what I have always wanted: for fishermen to get together and do what is best for the resource and for our children.

But I will be the last one standing on the ship as it sinks if you tell me that to save ourselves we have to jump off and forget what has happened in fisheries management for the last 30 years. No, sir.

I was there at that fight. Recreational anglers have been seeking compromise and common sense on these issues for a long time, and while individual commercial fishermen may have wanted the same thing, as a group the commercial fishing industry has stood in the way of protecting our natural resources.

Now I am expected by people like ESPN’s Robert Montgomery to lock step and blame Obama and the environmentalists if the feds go too far in regulating fishing.

I will not. Instead I will continue to try and make people understand that concerned recreational anglers have been fighting to end over-fishing and resource depletion for years, and the commercial fishing industry has had nothing but disdain for us.

I have always said these problems were coming and now that they are here I will do my part to make sure the public understands that the bulk of anglers care deeply about fish and the future. Our good name is being tarnished by self-interested and greedy interests that sold us out for their short-term profit long ago.

This is not a left-wing or right-wing issue. It is not about Obama. This is an issue that should be of concern to any American who appreciates the outdoors and the joy of fishing as a sport.

We should not start screaming and yelling at environmentalists and begin carrying signs that blame them for what is happening in fisheries management.

What we should do is stand up as anglers and let President Obama, his task force, and all people concerned about the environment know what we already know: as recreational anglers some of us have been fighting this battle all along."

Andy Jagger

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:46 am
by Steve Craig
Sorry, Fran,
You may want it to be a hoax, but it is not.

On the news everywhere. This crap can now go into effect just by Executive order.
Anyone want to make a guess BO signs the paper or not?
All recreational fishing; people, industry, ALL have been left out of the process for a reason.
Purely being pushed by the anti hunt people. They HAVENT been left out of the process it seems!

Believe what you want, makes no difference to me.

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:17 pm
by Fran Myers
Well I guess I am wrong

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:11 pm
by spnplgr
It's all about control of every American by the greenies, tree huggers, environmental crazies, anti-drillers, etc. They want to stop every American from catching those "defenseless" fish or killing those poor animals. They would even put your wife or girl friend in prison for wearing a fur coat. If they succeed with the wildlife, they would go after the chicken, pork and beef industries.

Total control folks. That is what this is all about. Inch by inch, foot by foot, mile by mile, they move along until total control is theirs. A very few would force the masses to do their will. Kinda like the king and the serfs. The scary part is how close they really are to getting control. For instance, did you know that today it would only require a presidential order and they would be able to remove this issue from their list of things to do? If they get this one, what will be next? Once they get the second one, what would be the next target? Somewhere along the way would be your guns, your trans fats, salt, and any other food they deem bad for you and I. At what point would they take away your right to vote? When would you finally lose your very freedom?

These kooks never even consider that more deer and many other game animals exist today than in the day of Christopher Columbus. (Don't ask me how they know the population of animals before anyone was here to count them because I don't know.) The kooks ignore the fact that whole industries depend on fish, game and waterways to make a living for untold numbers of families. Furthermore, they do not care.

An excellent argument, based on fact, can be made that fish poulations are greater now than at any time during my lifetime. Just 15 years ago, I did not hear a single sport fisherman say he had caught 100 bass in a day. In 09, I saw it a few times. I personally believe this is due to the fact that our steams, rivers and lakes are cleaner and less polluted now than 100 years ago. Fish and wildlife never had it so good.

Nevertheless, the kooks ignore all the facts. They simply want control over every aspect of my life and yours. They really believe you and I are too stupid to make our own decisions, so they are willing to force us to do it their way. Mao said control came at the barrel of a gun. How far away is that?

Friends, the only way to stop them in America is at the ballot box. Everyone reading this forum should educate themselves and find out who is in office today that supports these actions and vote them out of office. Pay no attention to political party, race, color, creed, national origion, etc. Just find out who they are and campaign against them as hard as you can. We must beat them at the ballot box. It's the only thing that will preserve our desire to fish. If they get control, God help us and especially our kids.

Good fishing

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:38 am
by spoonpluggergino
Next time some one will tell us that will be changes, we better find out what the changes will be, before we vote them to power.

Yes we need to challenge this people and vote them out at the ballot box. We the people have the power to do it.

For any one that wants to get more news since the main media is in bed with the new administration start watching FOX NEWS

Gino Testone

A very proud AMERICAN
I do not apoligize to any one for being an AMERICAN

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:30 pm
by Woody
spoonpluggergino wrote:Next time some one will tell us that will be changes, we better find out what the changes will be, before we vote them to power.

Yes we need to challenge this people and vote them out at the ballot box. We the people have the power to do it.

For any one that wants to get more news since the main media is in bed with the new administration start watching FOX NEWS

Gino Testone

A very proud AMERICAN
I do not apoligize to any one for being an AMERICAN

Fox News is about the only one telling it like it is. Just so you all know, I DID NOT vote for Obama and hope those that did are happy with the mess that we all are in because of him.

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:08 pm
by Steve Craig
I must respectfully disagree with you.
I like Fox News, BECAUSE I get both sides of a story. I do not get that from CNN, PMSNBC, ABC, or CBS. They are not the News agencies of my Dad anymore. I only get ONE side of the story from them. I went to Fox news several years ago, and have not looked back.
Glen Beck is Glen Beck. He makes me laugh.....and think outside of the box. The left wants to put me in a box, and tell me I cant see the forest for the trees, tell me I HAVE to pay more in taxes, tell me I HAVE to buy Health Insurance, and a host of other things. Not even God says I HAVE to do what He says. He leaves that up to me and you, if we want to follow Him or reject Him.
Howard Hill was a great archer and bowhunter.
I like Megan Kelly, Greta, Hannity, O'Rielly, Sarah Palin, and I like to listen to Rush every day on my radio.
We will just have to agree to disagree about Fox.
I was always told, that if you didnt like a program, all you have to do is switch channels. That is what I did many years ago.
Maybe you should do the same, as it seems your blood pressure is pretty high right now!
I am a true Conservative first, then an Independant second.( used to be a Republican)
I too will keep my rods and my guns, and as of a couple days ago, will be allowed to carry those guns in the open or consealed, however we want to here in AZ, without a permit, because we now have a Conservative Governor. (BO got rid of our ultra Liberal one in Napolitano here). Our new Gov just signed a law allowing any Peace Officer to arrest an ILLEGAL alien if they are here illegally! Something Homeland Security Head Napolitano doesnt want to happen.
I dont take anything at face value. The Good Book says to trust no man. I research, and I prove all things before jumping in. This I have done with Fox.
The info you posted about Fox, is simply not true. I dont know where you got it, but it didnt come from Fox! Maybe a left leaning blog, I dont know.
So, lets just agree to disagree on this one, and thank the Good Lord that we both live in a country where we can do so.........others are not so blessed to be able to do so.
My opinion.

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:53 am
by Steve Craig
Come on Marty!

Why did you remove your post?

I am sure we can have a civil discussion here, without getting upset and deleting.

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:12 am
by Fran Myers
I have grown to hate the "Weather Channel" lately. Which is hard to say because I watch it so much. I swear if they don't pull Al Roker off there I will join a terrorist organization.

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:41 am
by Steve Craig
"I have grown to hate the "Weather Channel" lately. Which is hard to say because I watch it so much. I swear if they don't pull Al Roker off there I will join a terrorist organization."

LOL....I agree! :mrgreen:

Re: Our government wants us to stop fishing

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:53 am
by MartyMcAvoy
I did not remove my post... so that tells us that this site is Fox Noise Biased... Have fun w/your heads in the sand.