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Current Weather Patterns:

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:52 pm
by WMK
Spoonpluggers in the midwest region,

It's here! - a good hot spell of mid/upper 80's during the first week in June!!! This is the type of weather essential to getting those bigger lakes to turn on, sooner rather than later. We've not had this kind of successive warm weather early on, for at least a couple of years. If this weather regime can be sustained throughout the week, this will bode well for spoonpluggers who love to troll for northern pike.

Keep em Coming,


Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:57 pm
by Fran Myers
My Garmin has a built in Thermometer. On the Mississippi the temp has gone up 2 degrees in 3 days. The temp this morning was 68.

For a rapidly moving body of water this is a significant increase. I haven't fished a lake in a week but that temp was 56.

I have found that the bites are strong but the fights are weak. The raising temps will only make things better.

Got to Fly,