"Trolling water" vs "Fishing water"

Basic movements,control/tools, structure,weather/water, presentation lures, lake types, mapping, mental aspects
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"Trolling water" vs "Fishing water"

Post by jwt »

The statement below is in the "Buck Sez" section(pp 63-68) of Presentation of Lures in the Home Study Course. He is talking about "trolling water" vs "fishing water".

WE DO NOT GO DEEPER THAN THE SHALLOWS (BELOW 8 TO 10 FEET) IN THIS "NO STRUCTURE" PART OF THE LAKE AT THIS TIME. The only time we would go deeper at this stage of the game is when our observations and lures tell us there exists some structure (bar, hump, etc.) not shown on the map.

How often have I wasted time and effort doing just that!? Going deeper that is. #-o Once again, it pays to re-read, rather re-study, the material from time-to-time. It's surprising how much you missed before or have forgotten. Those five pages are jam packed with information. Ya gotta keep yer brain tuned as well as yer fishin gear.
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