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Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:28 pm
by whopper Stopper

Took these several years ago during a lake draw down. They dropped two home lakes down aprox. 15ft. Hope you enjoy viewing these as much as I did getting out and taking the photos! Whopper Stopper

Re: Home lake draw down Photos. (add one pic on)[IMG]http://i562

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:55 pm
by whopper Stopper

This was south side of rocky island that I forgot to add on.

Thanks again

Re: Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:12 am
by Bart

You're killing me with these photos ](*,) Making me want to go hook the boat up. I'll be taking 2 pastors Monday to Wylie. You should join us. I sure could use some help mapping a big structure that I never see anyone fish. I know from past experience that it should hold a good school. :-k

Re: Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:31 pm
by whopper Stopper
Thinks 700, but I sort of cheated a little their dont ya think? There was so much more of those lakes that I wanted to take photos of but for some reason it never works out like we want it to! The one Photo with the boys standing out on the rocky bar was an extention of a boat ramp. Can you imagine that! Anyway,,Id like to see wylie down 15 or so feet. Theres a lot of good stuff that we will probably never see on any of these lakes because of the depths envolved but Ill take what help I can get. Buck use to say that he would ride around a lake for days just visually checking out things before he ever wet a hook,,,water color being of upmost importants. So Ill sure look into one when the water is low for sure. Then wait untill the weather and water matches up. Hint> Check edge of channels on Wylie for DELTA SITUATIONS where the main channel and creeks come together.


Re: Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:36 pm
by whopper Stopper
Sorry,,,I meant to put BART,,,I was looking at that 700 on your profile pic. Now lets see....... ( 700? Short line hot weather?,,,,,,,Or trolling the 17ft. contour?) Im thinking too deep. No pun intended.


Re: Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 8:51 pm
by SlParker
WS, nice photos...... I know I would have used up all 1000 of my GPS waypoints storing all of the structure elements that you have shown.... great structures......

Steve Parker...... Mid Atlantic Spoonpluggers........

Re: Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:24 pm
by whopper Stopper
Thanks Steve, Just wished Id had the time to go and see more of the lake, or even better, be able to put a small boat in and just putt all around it and take photos of every structure situation that a ran across. It would really be interesting to check out the feeder cuts. Maybe next time I can do that, if so, I will sure share the photos!

Thanks again

Re: Home lake draw down Photos. Bump

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:35 am
by Red over White
Great pics WS. Recognized most all places 'cept for maybe the impoundment lake near Palmerville?

I captured this shot of the spillway from the old Whitney dam a few years ago on Side Image. I found an original pic of the dam taken on the upriver side of the trestle looking back towards Garr creek. If you have anymore drawdown pics I'd sure like to see them. Thanks, Jim



Check out the people standing on the old dam. :D

Re: Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:37 am
by whopper Stopper
Hey Jim, Those are nice photos also! The old Whitney dam pic must have been taken during the period of braking down the old Dam. It appears the construction that the men are standing on are flood control gates that can be lifted or lowered. It also looks like they had already torn down some of the dam (right side) as to have let water fill the lake. Maybe after the construction of the palmerville canal water wheel project. Dont know for sure. It could have been post/ narrows dam construction? Also Top left if you look closely you can spot a finger or bar projecting out into lake bed. That area averages around 22-25 ft deep. You can find more pics of this area if you visit the Stanly Co. Museum. They have many pics on there computer program. I have actually caught bass while trolling parallel over the top of the old Whiney dam. I always placed my markers on shallower (upper) side of dam. It was really sort of awkward to troll because of the current. Top of dam is 12' at normal pool, however if you can catch it when the water color is dingy, bass will sometimes come to top of Dam when active, otherwise it may be too shallow for a movement to reach. In that case you would have to work down to the base breakline. (easier said then done) ha. Remember,, the current. Also I might add> If you are going UP river, there will be a BAR that makes its way all the way down to the train trestle. It begins at the (Upper Island) that splits the river. If you criss cross left to right from the train trestle up river you will find it. The crown of this bar will be around 15-16 ft. deep down near the trestle and gradually get shallower as you work up river. It starts around the 12th or 13th trestle pylon from the right side as you go up. Breakline on main channel (left) side going up is around 19ft. deep. I can GUARANTEE you that around May and June you will be able to catch Stripers and other fish trolling this bar. Id run a 100 on a longer line or 700 on a shorter line as I made my way up stream on this bar. Use White or White/green combo colors or even silver if its not cloudy. (Only a rule of thumb on color). Has worked well for me. And by the way,, I do have another Photo taken from Palmer mountain,,looking down river near Narrows Dam. This photo was taken during Narrows Dam construction, BEFORE the lake was flooded,,and is VERY Rare. This photo area now lies beneath 120-180 ft. of water. If I can think of it I will scan it and show it at a later date. Maybe sometime after the Christmas Holiday! Take Care and Have a Great Christmas!

Whopper Stopper

Re: Home lake draw down Photos.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:23 am
by phillip szafranski
THIS IS GREAT STUFF. Having the opportunity to view these structures and the surrounding above water terrain should sharpen our interpretation through above water observation. Thanks for sharing!