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Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:19 pm
by whopper Stopper
Now that I have a few years or more of spoonplugging under my belt. As many other spoonpluggers can relate to. One begans to THINK about what will be done on the water before he ever wets a line. Years ago when I had the FAST BASS BOATS,, No matter where I put my boat in I would usually end up riding for quite a distance before settling down, anticipating on that magic spot where mabey I had had some success on past trips. The boat landing was just a launching pad for take off. Now,,years later after reading Mr. Perrys material, STUDYING the material, and spending time on the water, I have given lots of thought about those boat landings. You see, there are Bass Tournaments going on just about every weekend somewhere on these lakes and those bragging sized bass are brought in to the scales and then weighed and RELEASED back into the water AT THE BOAT LANDING. Think about it. Fisherman go all around the lake, catch the weighable fish only to bring them all to this ONE AREA to be weighed and then released. NOW, do you suppose that these better sized fish are all going to swim back to there original spots scattered out across that great big lake, OR do you suppose that they will take up with the nearest avaliable structures that they come to in that particular area. I see it as a constant stocking program. Then at a later date you will notice that all these tournament guys rush over and past the places next tournament time from the launching pad to go gather up some more bass only to come back and restock this area again. IF this area just happens to have some good structure and watercolor avalible then I would think that a good spoonplugger might give it a working over and If nothing else it should have some good stragglers around the shallow shoreline mabey thumbing for a ride back home! Anyway give this some thought and post your Ideas for study and conversation purposes.

Thank you All and as always, good fishing!
Whopper Stopper

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:33 am
by DouglasBush
It IS a continuous "restocking program". Your thinking is right on the money. If there happens to be a bridge or causeway in that area where they do the much the better.