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schools of large adult bass

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:06 pm
by whopper Stopper
O.K. Spoonpluggers Iv got a topic for the sake of discussion. On my home lakes that I have fished for years the surface schooling largemouth have given themselfs away many times by "tearing the water up" which mostly occurs on bars or as most fisherman call POINTS. Now not ALL of these places are bars but most. I assume that these are places that I should have been working deeper as to try to locate the contact point of the larger fish on the deeper brakeline, however many times the schooling fish aprox. 1 to 2 and a half lbers are so fun to catch I get distracted catching these especially if I have someone with me that I can have them catching some fish Isnt that funny how nature protects its self by using the distraction technique. Now sometimes there will be a good one or two larger fish caught in this group however not that often. O.K. heres the main theme. IF there are this many 1 to slightly over 2 lbers tearing the water up all around this area'''''I have heard spoonpluggers say that these big schools or adult fish just arnt there like they used to be,, Then tell me where all the 3 to 6lb+ bass that use to belong with these teens have all gone? Did they kick over after they reached the adult size?? I think I know,, but this is a topic so please feel free for discussion. I have witnessed many bass TOURNAMENT weigh-ins on these lakes and have yet to see more than a few at most of these lunkers in great numbers at the scales,,other than a kicker or two. Sometimes the water color is fairly good and sometimes it can be really good or really clear depending on the amount or rain usually up river. So it does vary. [/list]

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:57 pm
by Bob Rives
Hi Whopper Stopper If you will give me some numbers on your lake like N34.5800 W 95.4800 I will tell you more about your bass.
Bottom line BIG bass eat little bass. I get after the schooles to they are fun. I have caught 5 or 6 # bass a time or two in the last 30yrs. that had the tail on a 1# bass sticking out of it'mouth. Good fishing Bob

Adult bass

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:58 pm
by david powell
In my opinion,most all lakes have lots of fish 5lbs. and bigger. I have personally seen 1 acre farm ponds produce numerous bass over 8lbs.Its my opinion that the bigger bass are just not coming swallow enough very often,plus the fact the fisherman is not good enough at finding these bass.Remember its all about DEPTH & SPEED control. These adult bass that you speak of could be spending most all of their time in the very bottom of the channel or slot, and nobody is there at the right time or place , fishing in the right manner to catchem. Ive heard Terry o say that, you can usually tell what spoonplug a guy is using by seeing the size of fish that he catches.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:19 pm
by SlParker
Whopper Stopper, the answer to all you questions are in the Green Book...... spend the time and the answers will come

Good Fishing..... Steve

The next question is usually "why are the fish roaming&

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:28 am
by DouglasBush
The fisherman says "Buck says all fish relate to structure..these schools of fish are ripping the surface everywhere and the water is 70 feet deep, etc etc".
I put this question to him once back in 1975 and his comments were...."boy, you dont know whats down BELOW those schools of fish, if you knew, you'd see they were relating to bottom structure no matter how deep it is. Isnt it logical to think that if a fish knows how much water is above him, then he has something that tells him how much water is BELOW him as well? If you stick to the basic fishing procedures any "schooling fish" will be taken care of in the fishing mechanics".
I often wondered why the fish that are hitting the surface always seem to be "way over there" and never 4 feet from the boat. If you start the engine and take off for "over there", when you get there...then they're tearing up the surface back at the place you just left. That will run a guy crazy.
Its always back to the same thing. #1 find a structure situation (troll until you find one) and then #2 run the lures accordingly.
After you get to be pretty good at that, THEN you can send a camera down there and really get some surprises.