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Spoonplugging Book Figure 32 Page 58

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:34 pm
by love2fish

I have read this a few times in the past...I am re-reading it again...I have a question about the figure on page 32...It is a drawing of a delta situation...Yes or no with arrows...I can pretty much give explaination for each yes and no...I'm having problems with the delta on the left side of the page...Right where the feeder stream channel runs in there is yes and other side of the delta is two yes's going down the side of the delta...But, just a little further down on the delts there is a no....I am having trouble figuring out that no part...I probably didn't explain this vary well..But, I am just trying to totally understand the basic fish movements...I know I have to get this down before I really comfortable moving on in the book..

If someone could help me out?...I would appreciate...If I didn't explain my question good enough...I will try explain better.....I have re-read this first section of this book a few times....So, I guess I am jus not grasping it all...


Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:29 pm
by Bob Rives
Hi Jeremy, I think Buck is saying the fish will move along the top of the delta and will not go down the back side if no breaks are there. Good fishing Bob

answer to Jeremy

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:42 pm
by spoonpluggergino

I also found the same diagram on page 58 of the green book.
I sent you a private message the answer is the same the fish will not cross a flat the arrow points to a huge flat and the answer would be no[/b]

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:01 pm
by love2fish
Hi Bob,

So the yes to the right of no...Is there because they will go to top of the ridge?.....Is that correct..But, won't go any further because a fish won't go down the backside...

That no that next to the left...That I mentioned in my first my question...The no has an arrow making like a half cirlce....Why is the half circle on that no?...I know for sure if that that no would pointing straight to the shoreline...It would be a no for because of the flat...

I may have to talk someone on the phone to really totally understand this and be for sure I am right..

I am not going to move on any further in my reading of the spoonplug book until I really fully understand the basic fish movement.....


Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:50 pm
by Bob Rives
Hi Jeremy Notice there is a no arrow on the right near the trees also. The fish will not go deeper to get to a shallow shore line etc. They will move from the top of the delta or levy/road to the tree tops. Good fishing Bob.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:25 pm
by love2fish
Hi Bob,

I am still not totally sure on this....I am going to have to talk someone on the phone or in person....It would be great if someone could post this figure..


Jeremy question

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:03 am
by spoonpluggergino

I drew a diagram of page 58 as close as I was able and I drew a side view of the section you are having a problem. note the fish are coming from the channel to the top of the delta but they will not go down the back side of the delta, another spoonplugger pointed that out. Go to page 49 fig.26 and page51 fig 28 this will clear it up

I am not able to attach my drawing for what ever reason if you e-mail me I will be able to e-mail the diagram my e-mail


Delta Situation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:04 am
by Fran Myers
The drawing is shown to indictate that during a migration to shallower water, fish will not go deeper to get shallower. Once they get to the top of the delta or as shallow as the weather and water allows, the fish stop moving.

Terry showed me delta's that have 60 feet of water on the channel side where the delta crowns about 6 to 9 feet with 30+ feet of water between the delta and the shore. The distance between the shore and the delta is can be less than 100 feet in some places.

If you know there is a delta but there are fish behind it, then the fish are using a differant path, probably a feeder cut.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:15 am
by love2fish
Hi Bob & Fran & SpoonplugginRingo,

I appreciate all the help...I totally understand it now...I was having a bad yesterday....If I would have looked at more and thought about it...I would have figured it out easily.....

Hey Fran I plan on booking an on water training session with Jerry Borst at the start of next year...I would love to book one now with him but the funds are low...But, I do have my boat ready to go...Well just need to move my seat in the back to be able properly use the tiller handle..


Delta Situation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:49 am
by Fran Myers
There is a point that you have to put the book down and get on the water. It isn't too late this year. Just take the first 4 sizes of spoonplugs with any old rod and troll as you have been reading about.

As to the seat, find a milk crate. I understand about wanting to wait until next year but from my experience next year turns into next year. And you have been posting questions for a long time.

So get in the boat and start making some mistakes and really learning. You will have more fun that way too!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:17 am
by love2fish
Hi Fran,

Thanks for the advice....Like I said before my money situation isn't great right now...So, I will try to make it to the lake as much as possible to practice running the four smaller size spoonplugs..


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:49 pm
by Jerry Borst
Fran has hit it, WHAT EVER IT TAKES just get out on the water, WHEN EVER YOU CAN, no matter the weather, the water, the boat traffic and so on,, just go! There's a lot of season ahead.

The ones who are the most successful are also the ones with the most NO fish days!

? for Fran

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:21 pm
by Bill Patterson
Hi Fran, If you can say...what lake had the deep water with a 6' delta? Or did Terry just show it to you on a map? Sounds interesting.


Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:52 pm
by Fran Myers
I cold be wrong but don't the Delta's on Rhodiss go up to 6'. I honestly thought they did. But I haven't been back there in a while.

I don't remember the lure size but it wasn't bigger than a 200 and I really thought it was a 250.


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:31 pm
by Bill Patterson
Yo, Fran, I don't know where Terry took you--maybe down towards the dam. I haven't been there on Rhodhiss. The delta I know about at Rhodhiss could top out that shallow at low water, but the channel is only 30' or so in that area. The back side of delta goes down slightly...but still it's downhill and the fish won't cross it. I showed Terry the area (on a map) of Lake Wylie down towards that dam in SC portion of Wylie. I pointed out quite a bit of delta. Terry said yes, those are deltas, but way too deep to be fishing (topped out around 40' best I recall). I guess the fish are usually not that deep and it just doesn't make sense to fish it. There are better areas upstream in NC portion. I don't have an SC license anyhow. NC and TN and also NC and VA have a recipocal agreement...but not SC.