Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:11 pm
My ? on this is that he says, on good migration we should expect to get schools of fish at spot marked X.
Now I look at this and my interpatation is this.
Here is a deep water hole that has a good breakline all around it .
17' is deepest water in hole , so the way I see this, is the best spot should have been at the bar to the east of the 17' depth.
I will have to assume that he thinks the saddle area makes this better ,but I'm just guessing.
I really wish he would have given comment on way spot X is the place to be.
My only other guess is because it is steadly getting shallower.
But he dosen't show any scale so this could be a mile or more.
Does anyone have the answer why he says spot X is the spot.