My Lake today

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John Bales
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My Lake today

Post by John Bales »

Here is the flag the weed sprayers put in my lawn only because the spraying takes place within 100 yds of my shoreline. At times they can spray without letting anyone know it has been done. Look at the time slots they use with this new poison. Cannot let cattle drink for 120 days but it's ok for you and I and our children to swim in only one day. WTF. I will never stop trying to tell the people about what is going on. Can you imagine how this stuff will effect the weeds and the fish that swim in it? John
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Re: My Lake today

Post by jwt »

If those who voted in favor of spraying for weeds draw water from the lake for watering or pets drink from the lake, they may wish they hadn't! I looked it up; ProcellaCOR active ingredient is Florpyrauxifen-benzyl.
Stressor of concern –Florpyrauxifen–benzyl is toxic to plants and may pose a risk of concern to non–target aquatic and terrestrial plants.

LABEL ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS• Under certain condition, treatment of aquatic weeds can result in oxygen depletion or loss due to decomposition of dead plants, which may cause fish suffocation. • Water bodies containing very high densities of weeds should be treated in sections to prevent the potential suffocation of fish.
Good stuff! :x
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John Bales
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Re: My Lake today

Post by John Bales »

Jim, I documented with video tape visually and with the depth meter this morning,one of the larger areas to be treated. The guy is out there at this very moment killing mother nature. 90% of the people want this. It's about the same everywhere you look. As long as it is funded by the state, they are all for it. It can't be stopped. Not by the little people. Maybe they will run out of funding some day. John
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