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Fishing water

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:45 am
Any one wanna make any comments on this area
Now just to point out I am not trying to get someone to do my studying for me.
I have my oppinon on this area and answers will be found out later this year if I am right or wrong.
Just trying to get people looking and talking
so far quite a few have looked at my postings but only 2 people have made any comments
I wanna thank those 2
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Re: Fishing water

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:15 am
by waterflogger_no_more
I'll venture some input, at the risk of getting it entirely wrong...

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A is the most pronounced bar on the north side of that area so I'd be inclined to start there. It's big enough to troll too. B seems less pronounced but I'd check it too. D has a nice breakline at 20 feet that I'd be interested in, although the route from there to the shallows is interrupted by a sizeable flat that might prevent bass from using it. There's a little hump there that I'd investigate. C is similar to A and B, although more gradual and less pronounced, but maybe summertime pattern would apply (more gradual and less steep). In the shallower part of that whole area I don't see any obvious breaklines so that would be trolling water only.

Across the channel, the south side is much steeper so it seems like a textbook fall area, although it would bear checking too.

Re: Fishing water

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:52 am
My take Bar A does appear to have a breakline at about 9' but below this it just a tilted flat I don't feel its much good. The 2 washes could lead bass to shallows spawning/fall, but once spawn is over they will move back to channel. Just looking at map I can not say where contact point is.But I'm sure breakline will get fish at post spawn going into summer. Once summer is in full swing the breakline may get some fish early and late in day. But to me this is mostly trolling untill bass is located then go to cast . Now from past experience on other lakes fishing structures a lot like this one I feel it will get bass.
Any one else willing to interpert this?
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Re: Fishing water

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:10 pm
by phillip szafranski
Champ, can you clarify what you mean about fish using the breakline in question during summer early and late?

Re: Fishing water

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:24 pm
Once summer is in full swing the breakline may get some fish early and late in day.
You should expect fish to enter their summer patterns when they recover from the spawn, and when the deeper water warms up a bit.
For largemouth, that could be as long as 4 weeks after the spawn, depending on the weather. Movements twice a day will occur with stable weather in the summer months. Unstable weather/water conditions in the summer can create short mid-day movements only.

Re: Fishing water

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:06 am
by phillip szafranski
Champ, thanks for your recent, updated analysis regarding movements in the summer.