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Tubakka & Douglas...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:59 pm
by pat maio
I had to post but I didn't want to do it with a dry whistle. Harry, my good fellow, pour me a cold LaBatts from you tap please. Since when beer? Since right now because its been a scorcher today. Actually reached 88 deg.
As soon as these next few weeks fly by I'll be better able to tell you when to come down if you feel like wetting a line in the GSL. Lots of company coming.
I think I understand your situation at Lake Pleasant. I once had a friend who was some sort of honcho on the governing board there. If there was no alcohol served then also I'm positive he had his own private stash. If you think of it ask any old timer there if they remember John Johanssen.
Some other notes:
I once asked Buck if there was any mreit to fishing at night? His answer was a categorical NO! I've tried it a few times and was not happy with the experience. It's weird....
I admire your plans & enthusiasm. But remember Bucks words: "Fishing is always tough and it gets tougher." Nothing wrong with enthusiasm.
You mentioned the Northern Pike in this lake. Yeah, we got em and they do run big. Here's the scoop: Every late spring and through the ice some 20 to 30 pounders are caught. Come summer and afterward nobody catches them. I've fished here for years and have caught a few 4 and 5 pounders that got in the way. Generallyl Pike are pretty easy to catch.
So why aren't the big guys being caught? I can only give an opinion. They catch them when they are in shallow waters during spawn season then the pike make their way toward the deepest water in the lake which is ata the dam area,50-60 ft water. From where I'm at and most launches thats about 16 miles away. A long trip. Now, there is a dirt launch dowan at the dam but I've never tried it. My plan was always to launch down there and run the deeper breaklines from 40 to 60 ft on wire. The few fishermen who wander down there drop a bait in the water and that's that. No big pike that way.
Actually, I think the big guys are there and all it would take is lots of time and trial to get a feel for the structure and breaklines in that area. Its a pity the area is some distance away. That's my problem.
If you are game to chase the big guys I'll help in any way I can.

I'm still curious and interested in this camera option. Do us all a favor huh? Run through the steps of how you use it and what fish you are chasing. I know its probably simple but I'm a simple person.