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Weather & Water Part 2

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:09 pm
by Steve Craig

Re: Weather & Water Part 2

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:48 pm
by mjpukacz

What happens if the weather stays good for several days. Say two weeks. Will the fishing be good all day until a cold front moves in.


Re: Weather & Water Part 2

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:30 am
by Steve Craig
Im not Don, as he rarely comes on here as he doesnt do computer stuff. Ali, his wife does all that for him. I do know that you can direct your questions to him on his web page or email, and you will probably get a much quicker answer.

With that said, i can give you Buck Perry's answer to that question. It is in the Green Book and Home Study course as well.
With a 1 week and longer time between fronts, the school of fish will "settle down" somewhere between the summer time sanctuary, and the shallows. In other words, they will drop back to a breakline or break in that area and daily migrations will start from there, without going all the way back to sanctuary depths. You will still get your one or two migrations a day. They will just stay longer is all.
I personally have seen schools sitting in 27 feet of water and migrationg from there all the way to 10-12 feet, staying an hour or more then returning to the 27 foot area. this was in a dark yellow green water color.
The clarity of your water will play in here.Out here in AZ in very clear water, they will can be "settled down" in 40+ feet.

This is why it is important to map your structure, and fish ALL breaklines. Those "settled down" fish can be caught rather easily if you put a lure right in front of their nose.

But let even a "dry' cold front pass through, and downstairs they will goo.
Hope this helps. The answers to all your questions are in the Green Book and HSC. Check them out at your earliest convience.