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Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:35 pm
by Steve Craig
Several here have asked me to post a pic of a slide.

While this pic is without water, it is exactly what they look like under water. Notice the shear rock wall, and then notice all the "dirt".
When Buck tells us to find the "dirt", this is what he was meaning. Also note, that it goes "all the way", from the shallow to the deep.

In a Canyon type reservoir, it is worth traveling a long, long way to locate one of these. When you do, you will hit the Mother Lode!


Re: Slides

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:16 am
by Hal Standish
Thanks Steve. Since I started studying structure's I have taken a different view of topography in my own area.

Re: Slides

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:41 pm
by JamesGinAZ
Excellent photo! Imagine if the water concealed most of the top of the slide, you may never know it was there unless you were looking for it. There's a spot on Saguaro Lake that I suspect is this exact structure situation, and now after being aware of how important this feature is in a highland reservoir, I cannot wait to check it out! I believe the slide I'm thinking of is more of a boulder slide but I know that is still considered "dirt".