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Every Picture Tells a Story:

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:17 pm
by Guest
As it relates to Mapping & Interpretation, studying my structure maps is the most important data base I have access to. This information not only provides me with accurate information, but offers a critical portrayal of how and where I've spent my time on the water. I've often expressed to some members of the Illinois Spoonpluggers that " a fisherman's structure map is a reflection what kind of job he's been doing on the water." And if there are no records to reflect upon, feedback, necessary to instilling proper direction, will be lacking. As a result, mistakes are likely to be made in a more repetitious fashion, and issues of confusion will be rehashed in the mind, once again. :? Just as the contractor consults a blueprint to build a solid framework, so should a spoonplugger reference his maps to help formulate a comprehensive and thorough approach to his fishing.


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:11 am
I have Spoonplugged for 25+ years and Mapping is definitely my weakest area. Your post really struck home! Actually, I know my success would take a quantum leap if I forced myself to map each structure carefully! I believe my biggest problem is thinking that my maps are not accurate enough. Each trip to the structure should build of the "original map", as little "details" are found each trip.

I should have volumns of maps of each lake and each structure, unfortunatly, I don't.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:27 am
by WMK
Being overly concerned about "exactness" when acquiring a structure map is a common concern, and your acknowledgement of this exercise as being a "process" is accurate. At first, we start out with a composite sketch, a crude drawing, replete with only pertinent information such as the deepest water, "general shape" and depth(s) of breaks/breaklines. And as we revisit these features, "tweaking" becomes necessary and in order. The dividend- we become more profiecient/effecient in our lure presentation, and the results begin to speak for themselves.

When we can identify areas of weaknesses in our fishing, we've taken a significant step towards strengthening them!
