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New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:59 pm
by JohnBuckner
Hi I'm John. I purchased the small book "Spoonplugging for fresh water bass and all game fish" about 35 years ago. My mother wrote on the front cover next to Buck.."Johnny at 70 still at it" I've never fished with a spoonplug or used the spoonlplugging methods but I came across my book a couple of months ago and thought it's never too late to start. For some unknown reason I'm just very attracted to these lures. I just started reading the green book "Spoonplugging" and purchased a few spoonplugs. I'm particularly interested in the history of the spoonplug and doing some research to learn more.

Re: New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:18 pm
by Team9nine
Welcome, John! Buck once said (paraphrasing a bit), "If you ever run into any problems out on the water, you just grab that little booklet and reread it, and you won't have any problems for long." Even better that you have a copy of the Green Book, too. Most everything you'll ever need to know are in those two books, and anything else can be answered by someone on this forum :mrgreen: :lol:

Considering the spoonplug was created nearly 70 years ago, there is plenty of history to be had in that subject alone. A lot of my interest lies there, too. 8-)


Re: New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:37 am
by JohnBuckner
Thank you for your reply. I have many questions to ask so I'll start with this one:

I have two 400 series lures. I think the color is 61-5 green with gold spots

The lures have gold spots around the sides on top and on the bottom.

On one of the lures the spots are much smaller than the other. Does this indicate that they were made at different times and if so do you know what years they might be.


Re: New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:49 am
by JohnBuckner
Photo of 61-5

Re: New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:19 pm
by Team9nine
John - perhaps someone will have a better answer, but the scale variation seems to be random. If you go to Buck's page now where they still sell them, you'll see scale variation even within their own pics (see below). I'd actually be more inclined to think the difference in eyes was the more significant trait, though from looking through a bunch of mine, I can't see any specific pattern there either. Not much help, I know :oops:
SPLG.JPG (36.8 KiB) Viewed 10281 times

Re: New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:43 am
by JohnBuckner
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I appreciate the reply

Re: New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:27 pm
by JohnBuckner
I have been enjoying the spoonpluggers forum. There is so much good information here.


Re: New to Spoonplugging

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:24 am
by Team9nine
Glad to here that, John! Lots of great guys with great information on this forum. Add in the "Buck Sez" articles forum and the "search" function on this site (top right corner of page), and you can find answers to most everything you can think of 8-)
