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March 1975

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:07 pm
by site admin
Don't waste time fishing the wrong areas!

Re: March 1975

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:16 pm
by Steve Craig
Excellent article Jim! thanks for posting it.

One of my greatest pleasures in this life was the day Jim Vaughn and I talked on the phone. Then actually meeting and having dinner with him last June was a joy.
He is one of the finest Christian men you will ever meet, and a darn good Spoonplugger!
He has forgot more about fishing Highland and Canyon Reservoirs than anyone I know.
I well remember that article when it came out.
He also wrote many other for Fishing Facts as well.
Thanks for posting it.
Steve(aka The Bad apple)

Re: March 1975

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:13 am
by Fran Myers
I met Jim a couple years ago. Very nice, interesting guy. Especially enjoyed his stories about fishing the Mexican reservoirs.

Mr. Perry some where wrote that Jim was one of the best fisherman in the world. Jim also did the editing for Mr Perry on the Home Study course.

Steve what I found most humorous about Jim was the pictures of himself in his articles. No smile - even a scowl at times, dressed all in black. Then I met him and either there was a big change or something because I really enjoyed his stories.

We all kind of laughed with the story about trolling spinner baits through the bushes. I guess the last thing I'd expect is taking a boat and crashing it into a 1/2 submerged hedge and actually catching fish as the bait bounced thru. It was especially funny when he said "don't jerk the rod when it hits the branches, don't turn and watch the lure being thrown out of water.." Just when it stops getting jerked so hard just turn around and go back through...

I'm really jealous and really wish I could see his films. Morning Steve. Hope things are well with you and yours.

Re: March 1975

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:46 am
by Steve Craig
Believe me, the Spinner bait and driving right through the brush, tree tops, and stick ups works! When Jim pointed me in that direction, it was one of those head slap moments.No need losing a bunch of Spoonplugs to the brush and trees when a Spinner Bait will simply slide right through the thick stuff.
Zero hangs! You just cant believe how good it works until you try it yourself.
My son and I had one of our best days ever fishing this way during pre spawn this year, catching over 80 bass in one day on Roosevelt lake. One of those rare and priceless days you get to spend with your son.

As far as his video's go, call him, and i am sure he will make you or sell you a copy. He has moved into the modern DVD mode and now edits and has remade all his videos to DVD.
Jim has had a great life fishing all over this great country, and has had to spend a huge amount of time taking care of his relatives lately due to illnesses of various types. It has cut into his fishing, but he considers this far more important than catching a fish. That is the kind of man he is.
It is too bad that a few people consider this man a "joke"! The "joke" is on them!

Doing great out here Fran. VERY busy with work like no other! People are really fixing up their homes here in hopes the Real Estate market will come back. I havent advertized my company in 15 years and we are swamped. All word of mouth business. What goes around, comes around.
Steve(aka The Bad Apple)

Re: March 1975

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:10 am
by navyangler
I have seen alot of posts concerning DVD's from various people can someone point me in the right direction to buy some of them?

Re: March 1975

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:12 am
by Kevin McClure
Hello Navyangler, First, welcome to the forum. You can purchase John Bales DVD's at I also sent you an email regarding some other stuff. Take care. Kevin