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Scam Emails

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:13 pm
by MartyMcAvoy
Just as a Spoonplugger-Friendly FYI: I have been receiving several Scam Attempting Emails for awhile now, & some claiming to be from other Spoonpluggers, but were clearly not. Mostly, thanx to my elderly father (turns 89 on 7/10)(Buck's Birthday) Alzheimers/Dimentia setting in, & his desire to win Big $$, regardless of any bills he may leave our Mom should he pass away, What a Guy!! These have also come via regular mail, & the Post Office says there is nothing they can do about it! They claim he has won anywhere from Thoushands to Millions, but has to send some fee for it to be delivered, 1st Clue, U never have to pay to receive anything U won, other than Taxes! & as if Nigeria could afford a Lottery! 2nd Clue! Most Common Lately. So in response to this, due to the large amounts they have got him for, $20. - $2500.00/each... Maxxing some credit cards for well over 5 figures, (leaving for Mom to pay). Once they realize they have one "On the Hook", then the Barage of Emails & Mailings begins... so, I started sending them Colorully EXXXTREME Responses, to disuade them from further attempts... which for the most part works quite well. Only received one response from a guy claiming that wasn't what he was doing, when clearly it was... he only gave up after realizing I will have the Last, Nasty Word! lol! Since Signing up for a Magazine from Pub.Clear.House... i started receiving similiar mailings, interesting as the ol' man gets several mags thru them, beware! He received more email Scams via Cable internet than from Phone internet, not certain Y on that yet, just an observation. Now, in an attempt to confuse the parties responsible, they are attaching multiple email addresses as sent from, or reply to... which, I was just contacted about, & after explaining & apologizing for where it went, it lead to a lengthy conversation & a Spoonplugger/new friend, who understood completely, so at least some good will result!! Should U receive any such email from me, please allow me to apologize ahead of time, as it was Never intended for any Spoonplugger & understand the What, Where, When, Why, & How it Mistakenly arrived to your email, & that it Is Intended for some Scumbag, attempting to Swindle money, targetting elderly Americans. They are usually from overseas, but not always unfortunately... Marty.

Re: Scam Emails

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:20 am
by Kevin McClure
Marty, Your situation is very much the same as my Step Fathers. He is a retired Provost Marshall, proud 30 year officer and very much wants to maintain his independence. He is wheelchair bound and 87. I moved down to CA from Washington because my Mom could not handle all the responsibilities. He slides out of his chair and she isn't strong enough to help him back up.
He signed up for Publishers Clearing House not knowing that they sell their lists to others. He came close to getting scammed on several occasions. It's always winning something but needing to pay a fee up front. Usually they don't go for the credit card as it is to easy to track the money. Instead they go for a re-load card that you can get at most drug stores for reloading pre-paid Visa/Mastercards. They and I am are very lucky they are overseas as I'm not sure what I would do if I caught them. My Stepfather has dementia as well and is very gullible. Some really sick people out there. Keep the faith and stay strong. I wish I had some good advice but I don't. Kevin

Re: Scam Emails

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:42 am
by TN Dave
Marty and Kevin,

Thanks for being responsible children and looking after your parents! For those of us who have been down that road it can be difficult. You have to be vigalant all of the time, I checked on my folks on a daily basis, to monitor mail and bills that needed to be paid. (Fortunately, I did not have to deal with the Internet). I did have a problem with the "Reader's Digest" folks sending out misleading adds to my Mother.

If you situation worsens (and it probalby will) do not hesitate to get a "Power of Attorney" so that you can legally take care of your parents business...I had to for both of my parents. Actually, the "Power of Attorney" worked out the best due to being able to control the monetary accounts legally.

Put your "Big Boy Pants" on and take care of your folks...that is what Real Men do! Unfortunately, I have seen all to many children that would not lend a hand to take on the responsibilty of taking care of parents. (They "just could not see Mom or Dad that way").

I will be praying for you. Take Care. Tough job to just have to see it to the end.

TN Dave

Re: Scam Emails

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:44 am
by MartyMcAvoy
Thanx Kevin & Dave for your comments... & your so right! I have a dispicable sibling that ask for their Inheritance... while the folks are still living, & living at home!!! I monitor the ol' mans email, but being an hour away, the mail box has been more difficult... & he wants to argue about it being his mail, his money... when i have destroyed the Scams right in front of him. We have recommended that Mom get Power of Attorney/Guardianship on him... She isn't ready to pursue that avenue yet, but every new credit card pushes her toward it. She has been able to take over the handling of their accounts, & showing him, while Chewing him for this ridiculous carrying on... & Getting more Help from his doctors & V.A., testing him to see if he should still have a Driver's License... No License, no more trips to the Post Office while Mom is knapping! Guess his last few incidents have scared him, as he has just made the comment that he shouldn't be driving anymore... One Good Eye, & Deaf, ya think?!! So as long as these constraints continue, we will have him under control...