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Steve Craig should I be scared?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:49 pm
by Jerry Borst
Im in Nogales this weekend and earlier took a ride through down town, now I've never been to Mexico but all the little shops and restarants is exactly what I had pictured it to be. This is a very pretty area, and cool,,, with rain even,,, coming from Brownsville and 106* ha ha! Give a ring if your not busy. Great week for our team huh, so looking forward to November! :mrgreen:

Re: Steve Craig should I be scared?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:00 pm
by Steve Craig
Should you be afraid?????

On the border, is some of the very worst of the worst. Mostly drug cartels looking for a wealthy(we are all wealthy to them) American to kidnap. So far several Fishermen that went to Falcon lake never came home again.
The sad part is that our current administration says that there is nothing wrong with our borders and all is well!

Yes........very good week for our team! Clint Eastwood rocks! His presentation went right over the libs head!
Very busy here right now with work, and finally starting to cool down here too. Only a 100 yesterday!

You watch your top-not while there for sure.

Re: Steve Craig should I be scared?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:16 am
by Jerry Borst
Yeah Steve that's kind of what I figured you'd say. So what do they do with these kidnappies, ask for ransom?This is just like in the movies... don't mean to joke, Looking forward to getting out of the area soon. I have a week of odds and ends planed next week with a little time on the water of course.

A lot of talk about Falcon and how good the fishing is.... Don't think we'll be trying to get out on that one any time soon. What do you know about Lake Patagonia? I tried to get to it a couple of different ways but the weight restriction didn't allow it.

Clint was good, had to listen to it all on the XM, would have liked to see the Teleprompter set up for the empty suite, in mean empty chair. Lol! I guess I'm a sucker for the stories, especially the ones of the struggles and the over coming and then the success, that's America! 

Have a good rest of the season, ha ha your season never ends....

Re: Steve Craig should I be scared?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:02 pm
by Steve Craig
Alot of nice bass are being caught out of Patagonia. Never fished it myself as it is simply just too far to travel to for me. (Over 5 hours away)

Too close to the border for my likes these days. Jim Vaughn, who spent 13 years guiding in Mexico said he would never wet a line there again. Just too much killing taking place.

You are correct, my season is almost all year out here. I really look forward to the fall fishing out here. This summer's temps were running in the 112 to 118 degree, and this ole boy is not going to be out there like I used to do! Even with good umbrella's it can be miserable.
Most all the bass boys are fishing at night anyway. Mostly to avoid the skiers and lake lice. It is just too crowded for the narrowness of our lakes. Several accidents this year due to drunks crashing into other boats. Just not worth it.Another couple weeks and it will be nice to fish again.
Also, my son and I both drew Archery Elk tags this year and my other son and I drew Mule deer tags too. So we wont be going to the Jamboree as we plan on filling the freezers up.
Havent been drawn in several years.

If you ever get up my way, give me a jingle and we can maybe wet a line if you have the time.
Even if you end up in Phoenix, I am only and 1.5 hours away.