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Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:36 am
by Jim Shell

Re: Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 5:40 pm
by Steve Craig
I found out the same thing a couple years ago while in Israel. Over there they have Ford Rangers getting 60-70 mpg. Also saw a Ford F150 with a small diesel engine that got 67 mpg!
That engine is not allowed in the USA!
Dems, Repub's all guilty!
We got to clean house and soon.
All of this will not make any difference unless we get the spending under control, and start reducing the deficit. Here is where the USA will stand or fall, and it is coming at us like a freight train with no brakes!
My opinion only btw.

Re: Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:49 pm
by MartyMcAvoy
& Fuel is pennies over there as well?!! Only Stands to reason that w/MPG's like that.. the Emissions would have to be less as well... compared to burning 3 or 4 gallons to go the same distance! Big Oil & Big Politics = B.S.! I agree Steve, Clean House! How about we just exile D.C., cut it off, & drop it into the Atlantic?! Can't Afford D.C. anymore! 8-)

Re: Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:39 am
by Steve Craig
"& Fuel is pennies over there as well?!!"

$7.00 a liter is pennies????? In Israel, that is the going rate when I was there. You need to get out more. In Istanbul, it is even higher. Everywhere but the USA it is higher.

Re: Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:00 am
by Fran Myers
I was wondering about Marty's penny's per gallon statement.

It is a crime that ford, Chevy, and dodge can sell trucks that get 65 miles per gallon in other countries yet not sell the same ones here. Facts like this just reinforces my personal change in the definitions of what a criminal, criminal activity really is.

But it gives me ammunition against some people who give me a hard time about driving my Tahoe.

Re: Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:26 am
by Steve Craig
People in the east have no clue about western driving, miles and distances. All these stupid electric vehicles that are being pushed on us, are a joke. Closest town to me is 16 miles away. Closest City is 78 miles. All desert in between. Uphill and downhill. You can make it to that town, but you cant make it home on one charge! Still gotta have fuel to make them go. Then you still gotta have Coal, nuclear, or some other type of power source to make the electricity to charge the dang things!
Fran, you just keep right on driving your Tahoe. Had one myself. Great car. Now I have 3 pickups for my Painting business. I wonder how far down the road i could get with all my paint equipment in an electric pickup?!!!
Drill baby drill!
More to oil than just gasoline. Everything in our lives revolves around oil. Look around your home. Everything we havein our lives came from oil in some form or another. Metal, plastic, nearly everything. From the mining to get the metal, that we make the machines, to build the trucks that hauls our food, that the farmers grow, and the equipment it takes to produce that food, to all the packaging that our food comes in.
We need oil.
The problem now is what we are producing is going to China! So the gas prices stay high.
We havent built a refinery in how many years? The ones we have now are running at 95 to 100% capacity. One goes down, and we see prices skyrocket.

Re: Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 12:20 pm
by MartyMcAvoy
My Mistake Apparently Steve... I had heard from others, more than once, that gas in over there was ridiculously cheap, compared to what the U.S. pays... As far as getting out more, it is my position that Americans should see more of America, each time some U.S. citizens trying to help people end up as victims. There is plenty to see here. How is Canada? Is that out far enuf?? :mrgreen:

Re: Gas milage in the US....

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:37 pm
by MartyMcAvoy
Drill baby Drill!! exactly right... & Refine baby Refine.. w/more Refineries! Could that Price / Gallon I heard of be in Iraq??