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fly fishing,,,a break from the norm.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 12:21 am
by WhopperStopper
Spoonplugging teaches us many things about our fishing. One thing being,,Productive areas from non-productive areas. I must admit that I can not truly call myself a purist at any one technique. Its just that before I die and leave this earth, I feel that I MUST experience all ANGLES of the beloved sport of fishing. With that being said, I have a real passion for the fly rod. It can be very simple or very complex. Just depends on ones approach. Today I decided it was time for a little R and R so to speak, so when I walked out to hook up to the boat I picked up the Ol Fly Rod before leaving out. When I finally got on the water, I thought of an area that had been very Productive during many Spoonplugging trips, so thats where I headed. As I approached the area ,I cut the engine and let down the trolling motor. This past week there was an article in the local news paper about a type "bug" if you will, called a cacida. The only come out to mate once every 13 years before returning back under ground. There also very loud during this time as they sound much like tree frogs except much higher pitched. They look a lot like a cross between a fly and a moth, being more the size of a moth. As I eased down the shoreline I noticed these cicidas falling from some of the overhanging trees down into the water. They wouldnt stay afloat to very long before I would here a "smack" from nearby fish. Longer story shorter, I decided to cast my black wooly booger fly which is a leach pattern fly next to these cacidas as they fell. Much to my surprise, I was shortly hooking up with mr. Whiskers. These channel cats were, along with the bluegills,,having a feeding frenzy on the cacidas. I ended up landing four small channel cats. That is untill I got a real surprise hit from what I believed to be a really large channel cat. When this dude grabbed hold of my wooly booger,,,it headed for parts unknown toward open water. Before long it had took out ALL of my fly line and I was into the backing. I must have played this cat for at least 4 or 5 minutes before finally getting my 4 lb line "snapped". Wow, what a fight that was on my little 4wt. outfit.. Oh Well,,,,sometimes the fish wins. Today was such a day. Anyway,,it was like I said,, it was a break from the norm. Now, Im ready to break back out the Spoonplugs and go take care of some real business!!! Hope you all enjoyed! Hope to see ya on the water!

Whopper Stopper

Re: fly fishing,,,a break from the norm.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:09 am
by Steve Craig
Good story,
If you have an "open" mind, you will not be a "purist" at anything in life. I know for a fact that Buck loved to take smallmouth on a fly rod and popping bug. This is according to Tom Coleman.

I grew up on a smallmouth stream in Indiana and one of my most favorite ways to fish for them was with a 5 weight and some rubber spiders, or various dry flies. Out here I live close to another very good smallmouth stream as well a some very good trout fishing. The fly rod is the way to go on it, either wading, or in a Kayak or Canoe.

It is a great way to fish and have fun. I am envious of you right now as i havent been able to get out due to alot of work.