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Re: Flatland Resivor Structure Interpritaions, SEASONAL/Wea

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:10 pm
by The Fisherman
Well then we have a date :mrgreen:

I love it and you are correct that water color will GUIDE your depth and speed. Also on the bet...

No jackson, anyone can catch fish on a lowlander!!!:)

But You cant leave the rip rap and move out fifty yards to the hump on the south side of 109

My dad will NOT fish with me. all my tournaments have been on my own. He was saying he will come byhimself! if he gets a boat and a sitter. lol. have a good one Mr. Bush.

We will certainly have this bet and many other dollar fish bets in the future. I got some nice plans up my sleeve for a fishing lodge with guide service on Westpoint in the weadkey arm

Re: Flatland Resivor Structure Interpritaions, SEASONAL/Wea

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:35 pm
by DouglasBush
We got action-n-n-n!
Oh , there is a hump south of the bridge rip-rap? How nice of you to share that with me. tyvm.
I am bringing an observer with me who will ride in your boat with you just to see that you dont "accidentally" make any false moves. You should bring one of your own to ride with me as well because I will cheat, lie, and steal in a heartbeat when the money gets down. I'm telling you ahead of time so come prepared.
As for a fishing lodge and guide service down there? You will go busted faster with that than you will gambling with me. You must have really deep pockets. Many have tried and many have not think you'll sell spoonplugging on that lake, won't happen.
(I think I have a backer who's going in with me...lets pump it up to 500 while I look for some more. Maybe we can have it at a thousand by post time)
I got the gamble in me...all you gotta do is get up there and "shoot pool, Fast Eddie"

Re: Flatland Resivor Structure Interpritaions, SEASONAL/Wea

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:59 am
by The Fisherman
As far as action goes, you should see plenty, make sure that you bring your binoculars you gave me multiple intersections and multiple species. So I'll pick up a nice bag there at tripple nipple then down to wilson and the hooch intersection to crush you with my strippers 8-)

About the lodge and guide service. It will not be trying to "sell" spoonplugging there, Buck Perry couldn't do it so why waist time. But the guide service on the other hand is really easy. I was beating the pants off of Paul Parsons and Kieth Hudson when I was a young teenager. I did it in april before i deployed, came down after not fishing there for a year, and really upset old Cris Bell working in Highlands "pro shop" Ha ha. No the idea is me and my wife are buying a house on the lake either way. As work settles in hopefully sooner than later, put some cabins like Highland did. Then we have extra room for spoonpluggers from up north to come during the "muddy time" and if people want to fish multiple days on westpoint then i can offer a place. remember too that while spoonplugging will never take main stream, Buck Perry Structure Fishing Schools can and hopefully will one day. People in the south love to call themselves structure fisherman! and make sure that they differentiate between grass structure and stick structure. Teaching them is easy, you just cant troll when you first start out. Its different then the basic procedures that we use but mapping without a lure in the water is quite fast, and your interpretation can be done by casting only. Yes Mr. Bales I still map with lures in the south. Its fun and heck you catch fish while working, makes it all better :mrgreen: But that doesn't really work as well in AK, there I began mapping really turny weedlines without lures, makes life easier.