well, looks like we win!

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well, looks like we win!

Post by MartyMcAvoy »

FORWARD!!!! 8-)
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by indianabass »

Or as they would say during the Bolshevik era in communist Russia..."Вперед" which translates to forward.
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by MartyMcAvoy »

didn't know U were or spoke russian Dan! it is a very poorly informed implication
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by Steve Craig »

Yep.....Forward right over a cliff alright.

And so it begins.

I was at my local Sherwin Williams store yesterday. Was talking to the manager.
As we were talking, the State Rep and the Western VP pulled up.
Why were they there?
They came to inform the manager that due to Obamacare mandates, there will be no more full time employees. Manager and Assistant Manager are salaried.
You see, under this moronic law, full time hours drop to 30 instead of the traditional 40.
So all companies, including my own paint company, now has to pay overtime on all employees if they work 30 hours or more. AND all full time employees must be "given" healthcare, or pay a fine. If they are partime, we dont have to do this.
At Steve Craig Custom Painting LLC and just about every other company and Corporation i know of out here, we are cutting all employees hours to no more than 29 hours per week.
I do get to hire more people, just no more full timers is all. All due to Obamacare and all the crap that is in this bill, now law.
I had already read the new mandates months ago, and was advised by my accountant to start making changes, so knew this was coming. Already had told my guys that they needed to find another job to go along with this one.
One guy got pissed at me, and quit, and then went to another painting contractor, and just this week found out that all I had told him would come to pass as that contractor is also going to just a 29 hour week for his guys.
We knew that Romney would probably get rid of this job killing bill/law, but not now.
What i have told you here is only a tiny sliver that is coming down the pike.
You are correct.......forward right over a cliff.
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by MartyMcAvoy »

Oh, your correct about 1 thing, Steve... Romnesiac would have gotten rid of 1 thing... Any Jobs here worth having... He had already sent thousands to his Chinese Buddies... guess u will have more time to go Fishing! Probably shouldn't have said to let Detroit go Backrupt, eh?!
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by Steve Craig »

You really need to do a little more research there Marty. :mrgreen:
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by MartyMcAvoy »

The Cliff U are so afraid of... is the Cliff your Party of NO went over by going so far to the Right... Problem is the 53% of US, well were going to allow U wealthy folks to pay your own share of your Taxes! U Should have Researched your Guy U here Hoping for.. Oh that's correct, they kept looking, but every1 they came up w/had more Skeletons in their own closets... :mrgreen:
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by beckman44 »

My 2 cents on this is after talking to my daughter who is a college student with two jobs is that the republicans have become to extreme and they are not connecting with them. If you lose the young people it don't bode well for the party.
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by indianabass »

We're all pretty passionate about our values and beliefs, that's very evident.

Personally, I didn't see much of a difference between Obama and Romney. I think they just threw hundreds of millions of dollars at an attempt to convince voters they are fundamentally oppposite.

I took my sons to DC this summer. It was humbling to see all the attractions, the Vietnam Memorial, the Apollo 11 Command Module, the Ruby Slippers, etc. But at the National Archives, I got to be face to face with the greatest documents of our time, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They are the perfect template for a great nation and society. We all are aware of that and cannot deny it. It's sobering to try to imagine our existance without the creation of these documents and the establishment of our God given rights.

I think the moral of the story is both parties, Democrats and Republicans are failing to do the will of the American people. They want more and more of our hard earned money, more of our liberties, more control of our lives...more of our SOULS.

I place the blame on both sides for the huge divide in our country, friends and families.

However, the government is also a good indicator of the direction our culture is going. Down the tubes.

I'll get off my soap box now.

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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by Steve Craig »

Government doesnt create anything, well except more big government, more headaches, more regulations, and certainly they dont create jobs!
Only the private sector does that.
Any job the gov says they create, they always have to get the money from those of us that are paying taxes to pay that government person. So they are only taking from someone else and giving it to another, thereby creating nothing but more debt on others backs.
We the people(who are the Federal Govt) pay for every single person on the local ,state, and federal payrolls.

And Marty, as far as your "wealthy folks" comment goes, please tell me how many "poor" people are putting people to work?
I never worked for a "poor" employer. Only those with money can hire and put to work, other people, Even today and even though i own my own business, I still do not work for "poor" people as they dont have the money to hire me. Only those with money do that.

I have to ask the question......why does your daughter have to work 2 jobs? There is a reason, and it isnt due to Mitt Romney's policies. He hasnt had control of the House and Senate since 2006.

Very good assessment. This election was between the makers and takers. The takers now out number those who actually produce. The takers voted to keep getting the "free" stuff, from those making the income to provide the takers with that stuff. The morals of the people in this country seem to be going down the drain, so to speak.
It is great that you got to see the Constitution! More people should.
It was this guy that made this statement many years ago.........

" Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. " John Adams

I am not trying to change anyones mind here, just stating my own OPINION!
Comments like the U's and US"s is why we will never get anything done in this country. Class warfare never accomplishes anything. I always thought the USA was always US. It seems i am wrong.
I am done here.
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by John Bales »

Interesting............ I work for a small company with 11 employees, including the two owners. They have been in business for 27 years and run a steel fabricating company. We make all kinds of things so it is difficult to try and say what we make. I figured that I would hear some of what you are saying from my bosses when the president held onto his job but they said nothing. I am sure he was not happy with the results but little was said. I told him about your situation and he explained to me some things that he believes. From day one, he has not just offered his employees insurance but paid for it 100%. He also puts in 7% or our pay into a retirement account. He also puts $1000.00 a year into a medical savings plan and this money can be used for anything having to do with medical, such as glasses, dentist costs ect.......... He has always believed that this is the right way to treat his people. Every person that works there has been there for years. They do not leave. I got lucky and walked in the door when I needed a job and the timing was good. He admitted that it would be easy to say the hell with us and make a bigger profit but just doesnt believe that it would be the right thing to do. He said that the reason that he isnt bitching about the new laws is because it doesnt effect him. He has been paying insurance costs for 27 years. John
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by Steve Craig »

That is very nice of him. I did the same thing. But his plan will not come up to snuff with what the gov insists that he now HAS to carry. He either raises his coverage or he must cut you all loose and you get your own and he still has to pay the fine of an average of $1500 par employee.
We are being punished for doing the right thing.
I have read the bill. We are screwed, if you are a small business. A lot more to come down the pike than just this.
I am going to down size. Lay 2 guys off and try to make ends meet. I feel sorry for all those who will be losingtheir jobs because of this bill/law.
Elections have consequences.
I hope you will be spared what is about to take place in this country.
This means less fishing, not more, as we will be spending more time trying make ends meet.
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by John Bales »

I have always hated politics. Matter of fact, I have always hated insurance companies. I once went into an insurance company that lied to me about my coverage with a baseball bat wanting to see the agent that sold me my policy. I was a young man then and they had already fired the guy. Didn't get much satisfaction anyways. We listen to the oldies at work. When an old song comes on that I know every word still, I think of how things were then and how they are now. Time is passing too fast but as of now, this is still a great country to be a part of. We can all express our thoughts and even though we may not agree, we can still get along. Politics can be a touchy subject that can cause hard feelings.
Andy, You sound like a very smart man. You speak well.
There won't be any less fishing for me. Might drive less to get somewhere but surely not less fishing. This is what keeps me from getting the baseball bat back out. :) I'll start on that fishing part tomorrow. Those big perch I caught last weekend tasted really good monday night. Let's talk about fishing. It's more fun anyways and no feelings hurt. Thanks John
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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by TN Dave »


Listen and listen well, Steve knows of what he speaks. Don't believe him??? Just wait and see!

Thanks Steve for sharing your hard earned knowledge.

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Re: well, looks like we win!

Post by MartyMcAvoy »

I see Steve... Thanx so much for explaining that people w/money put people to work... & therefore they should be entitled/privileged to pay less/lower tax rate than said 'poor' people?! Once again, make the Middle & Lower income families cover those that are 'entitled' taxes... That is what U are Saying, correct... Again thank U for clearing up the fact that those w/money can afford to Offer Healthcare, they just choose not to.. keep up that profit margin, eh? But, to Secure some1 in office that will give them back the Bush/Cheney Tax Cuts for the wealthy... its OK to Throw $380 Million at him in an attempt to cover his tracks on what an UNAMERICAN POS he is... Sending Jobs to China! Ripping off Americans for thousands of Jobs & $15Million from the Auto Bailouts, those Same Bailouts he Said, Let Detroit Go Bankrupt about... Or Hiding said profits in Off-Shore Banks so as to Not Pay Taxes on that?!! It is also so interesting the reaction from the 'Way too far Right' about Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice... Jumping up & down about someone else's fetus/baby... like its any of their business... yet ... they have that Baby...& Then... & Then... & Then!!! It's About Face!! Get YOUR OWN Healthcare Kid... now that U are Born here & a Legal Citizen we don't give a rat's azz about ya!! Y does a College Student have 2 Jobs?? Really Steve?! Only a few thousand scenarios there... U say this Election is between the Makers & the Takers is a very good assessment & follow that w/i always thought the U.S.A. was us... WTH?? Which way are U going there? Is the U.S.A. 'us'... or just us takers against U makers? These Flip-Flop Comments are exactly what prevent your boys from getting elected! Exactly What Moral & Religious qualities/values does Mitt-Fish (Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop) display that the Rest of 'US' don't See?? There is 1 way back to the American Dream... & it Starts w/a Strong Middle Class... Not Outsourcing the jobs they would have to anywhere else... so they can pay some1 there pennies on the hour! Stop Selling out America, Stop Selling out Americans! If it is to be Sold Here, Then it Has to be made here! This is what the government has allowed to go on for 4 decades I know of! There is Not 1 single thing we require outside these United States. American Made is the Stamp of Quality I look for Everday! I agree w/our culture & moral values have gone awry, just walking thru the living room & seeing the shows teenagers must view these days. & i agree that the government is not doing what is Best for the people... & that both parties have shared responsibilties in that as well. Yet I know that we are better than we were 4 years ago... & the signs of this are there for all to see. No Bailouts, Foreclosures not setting records.. & Employment Opportunities that were absolutely Non-existent then...& that is my area due to the fact the American Companies I worked for were purchased by a foreign entity, & a poor attempt to act as though the deal was on the up & up, Only to Lay Off 90% of the Combined workforce, to Eliminate us as a International Competitor! That is not what I pay my taxes for... when our government could have prevented it. OUR road ahead may have new hurdles we need to face & clear together... & we can, when we make our officials realize that what is Best for Americans should always be Priority 1.
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