Fall pattarns

Basic movements,control/tools, structure,weather/water, presentation lures, lake types, mapping, mental aspects
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Fall pattarns

Post by Charlie »

Hello All,

I typically put the spoonplugging equipment away at the end of the summer. Any tips on extending the season thru the fall? Should i concentrate more on the "cold water" species (walleye/northerns)?
I've tried in the past but never had much success in the past.

Thanks for the help and advise.
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John Bales
Posts: 2496
Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:51 pm

to charlie

Post by John Bales »

There are a few of us who do not put the boat away untill the ice comes on. I have not winterized my boat for years. Basicly there is no need to do so when the boat is only idle for three month or so. About the only thing that we do different to extend our season is to dress warm and spend a bit more time checking out the deeper breaklines. As far as the species, what ever gets in the way is good enough for us. It is basicly the same trolling and casting procedures with less boat trafic in our way. It is a shame that from now untill ice up doesnt last a little longer. Some of the biggest fish catches can come from now till ice up. For those who chose to close up shop early in the season, I can only say that there will be one less boat that is not at the ramp.
Remember , that Mr. Perry said that we should fish all type waters , for all species and all seasons. The fall is just another season and another opportunity to learn. John
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