
Basic movements,control/tools, structure,weather/water, presentation lures, lake types, mapping, mental aspects
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Post by site admin »

At the winter spoonplugging seminar Joe Cinadr of Ohio shared a great way of making markers that are visible in waves.

"The marker is made from a noodle that kids play with while swimming and can be purchased from Wallmart Kmart etc. I like orange as it is easy to see in all light conditions. It comes about 6-8 ' long so it needs to be cut to the desired length ( 2 ft ) The pipe is a 6 Inch galvanized pipe sized to fit the hole in the noodle and it is screwed into a flanges like you would use to put up a railing. I glue it into the bottom of the noodle. A weight is needed to anchor it and a line of the depth you require. I use 35 ft and 50 ft on Lake Erie. Tie the line onto the bottom near the flange and wrap the line near the top to allow for the weight to unravel the line as it sinks. See pics."
Joe Cinadr

Joe...THANKS for sharing this GREAT idea!
Bouy for Lake Erie 001.jpg
Bouy for Lake Erie 001.jpg (48.61 KiB) Viewed 1342 times
Bouy for Lake Erie 002.jpg
Bouy for Lake Erie 002.jpg (48.04 KiB) Viewed 1342 times
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Post by jwt »

Joe, great idea and thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. What kind of glue do you us?
pat maio

Joe's Markers

Post by pat maio »

I finally tried the markers Joe Cinadr alerted us to. Previously I had tried everything on the market with mixed results. I gave up totally on the flat "H" shaped markers after, during some heavy chop, I couldn't even find the marker.
The noodle marker works very well. I made one mofification though after trying the original idea. I found that all the line would peel off the marker during wind and wave action. I picked up a one inch wide roll of velchro from Walmart, cut a piece to wrap around the line & noodle to keep it unwinding in the boat and on the water. After the weight hits bottom I put the velchro strip around the line & marker to keep it unwinding further.
Works fine.
Thanks Joe....
Pat Maio
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