Hi Jim Shell:

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pat maio

Hi Jim Shell:

Post by pat maio »

I'm using this format because I always seem to have trouble sending and receiving on the S/P site. At present, I think I have a reply from you but I cannot open it up. Anyway, this should get to you....
I thought the boys would love to see that photo of Jim Mason and his monster musky (are you listening John & Jerry?)
I forwarded to photo to you about a few weeks back and was caught in Eagle Lake, Canada.
Jim was supposed to post the trips information but I see he is lazy as usual. I'll continue to bug his ass till he gets all the info on the site.
First things first. Did you ever receive the photo I sent?
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Jim Shell
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Post by Jim Shell »


Never recieved the pic. Try sending it again. Let me know here when you send it and i'll confirm if it was recieved. In the meantime...i'll have a cold one please.... :)
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Jerry Borst
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Post by Jerry Borst »

We're out here and would love to set eyes on a big fat Eagle L. muskie, come on Jim lets hear about the trip.
Chris A and I are heading north if it ever cools down,,, lol it's Oct 6th and we have 88*in Chicago. :razz:
pat maio


Post by pat maio »

I'll keep bugging him till hi's tired of hearing me. The fish went 49 lbs and was released after the photos.
Also, Jim says the area is full of Bald Eagles, hence the name.
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