Breaks and breaklines Part 5

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Steve Craig
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Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by Steve Craig »

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Steve Craig
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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by Steve Craig »

This one is near and dear to me, as i know the lake and the exact breaklines Don is talking about. It is the lake I learned how to "see" and "feel" these 6 inch breaklines. 9 to 9 1/2 and 11 to 11 1/2 feet. Two great breaklines on this lake. Fish scattered all along both of these breaklines. It took me two full days to learn how to run them. I have to admit that Don had the patience of a Saint watching me screw up and get off them. I am sure i was off more than I was on! But by the second day I finally figured it out and caught alot more fish using that little Needle Meter of his. I was there during post spawn, so we caught mostly smaller fish up to 7+ pounds.Hope you all enjoy this one. It is a good one.
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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by Sonny »

I have a couple of the needle meters, was wondering if you can see a 6" breakline with the new meters? Is the cone angle too wide? Just would like to know. Thanks.

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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by Sonny »

Which lake was that again Steve? Winnebago?

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Steve Craig
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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by Steve Craig »

The one Don is referring to is in Florida. Lake Marion.
The one his youtube comment was about Winnebago.
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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by Sonny »

Thanks, didn't take the time to watch it again to find out. Will your new depth finder see a 6" breakline?

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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by Steve Craig »

I can do it only with my Vexilar or my Needle Unit.
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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by beckman44 »

Don's knowledge and ability to teach it amazes me. This is golden stuff. His videos need to be watched over and over. We are so blessed that he is doing these for us. Bill.
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John Bales
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Re: Breaks and breaklines Part 5

Post by John Bales »

Really good stuff. Intense!!!!!!!! Don finally said it, and it's hard to say what he said. The guys who question Bucks material just haven't done enough work to know how right he was. Have not fished enough, have not done enough to SEE!!!!!!!!!!!! If you come right out and tell someone that they are an idiot, how long do you think they will stick around? Or tell someone they are lazy, same result, they are gone. Nuf said.
The last time I went to Florida and took my boat, I had a flasher and a unit with sonar and down scan. I ran the flasher and knew how to set it up to see the muckline and the same with the sonar. I had no idea what the downscan would show or if it would show a muckline at all. I ran a split screen on the HDS 12 with half sonar and the other half downscan. I used the flasher mostly and watched the sonar and downscan to compare what it showed me or what it didn't show.
We spent a day on Kissimmee and Kenny Hyde was along. We were looking for what they used to call the Hamill hole which was a bit different than your normal slot, From what I understand, the hard bottom was in the center of the slot instead of the shallow side kept clean by the current that flowed through this area. This is totally opposite from the norm. Usually the firmer bottom is on the top and muck is in the deeper part of the slot. After Kenny had taken a long time looking at this area, he came to the conclusion that this spot no longer was the same and he could not identify it as it used to be. At one point in time he caught a 5 pounder and called me up to check out the area. It was in the area but shallower and a few hundred yards from where they used to catch the giants. Kenny had told me not to venture much farther then 8-9 feet at the very end of the slot so I didn't. This thing seemed as flat as a pancake and after a couple of hours, I told Fran that we were wasting our time here. Finally I said lets take our lures out of the water and start over back towards the end of the slot but not all the way back to the deepest water and start zig zagging the slot to the end. We were just about to give up when I ran over something different and the only thing that would show it was the downscan. There was a slight drop that was not as wide as your boat and it came back up. I threw a marker on both sides of the depression and then went both ways to see how long it was. Not more than 100 feet long or less. Kenny had left the area already so I called him to take a look at this thing and he said that this is all that is left of what was once there. Come to find out that they drop the lake for hurricane season and that apparently had cut off the amount of current that this location once had and therefore let the area silt in. I used to have the screen shots but cannot find them now.
You ask if the new stuff can show a 6 inch break. I cannot answer this with a definate yes or no but I do know that if you know what you are looking for and are close to that area, you will surely be able to find it. Something will show up different, the thickness of the bottom width or the color change indicating a change in bottom hardness. You will see a change. The cone angles of the new stuff is not what we are looking for. They are made to show fish for the fisherman, therefore the cone angles are larger which makes it harder to see little minute breaklines. Don said it before, they do not make stuff for us, they make what will sell the most units. An experianced spoonplugger will find them.
I had a needle and all my buddies had them. When they worked, they showed what you wanted to see. When they acted up, they were not fun at all. I hated them. The flasher with a narrow cone angle showed me everything we were looking for and then you go to work on it. John
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