MLF Lake Kissimmee

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MLF Lake Kissimmee

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A friend of mine (not a spoonpluuger) called me to tell me about the Major League Fishing (MLF) that just finished it's first tournament of the season.
I don't watch or follow any of the bass tournaments, but I know John Bales commented that some of those guys are pretty good and you can pick up a tip or two. The main reason my friend called because he said at one of the intermissions they had the young YouTubers on (The Googan squad), and remembers me telling him about them a couple of years ago. And they are pretty much taken over social and on line media as far as fishing goes.
But the reason for me posting this, I noticed this tournament was on lake Kissimmee, which was a very well known spoonplugging lake for many big bass up until the early 90's I believe. I have heard it got fished hard by many spoonpluggers and the population took a big hit. I was surprised at the results, the average size bass caught was less than 1.5 lbs, and the biggest was 5lbs. It seems to me the tournament trail is just about numbers only, just straggler fishing. Which i think will be bad, as the average angler will be very content just catching shallow stranglers. I hear this MLF tournament is becoming a big deal, especially with the new format, but it is really just going to make bass tournament fishing a numbers game only. Can you imagine if they stop fishing during the spawn period, what their numbers would be than? IMO, I don't think it will be helping the sport, but I can see why it will become even more popular now, as it is all about numbers and not the (5) biggest fish anymore...
mlf kissimmee results.PNG
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by D-wayne »

No no no.... the minnow league fishing series is gonna be a great way to get the average angler to just target little ones. This means less pressure on the big ones for the rest of the more serious anglers...
Remember to always practice Angling CPR
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by John Bales »

I have always kept track of the tournament guys(fishing shows ect)........ I did it for four years and that was enough for me. My learning stopped. You always have the guys who beat the banks no matter what time of year it is. You also have the best of that group that understand structure, breaks and breaklines and do catch the big stringers. In this format, there is no pre fishing because they have no idea where they are going. You might hear them say that they don't have time to go look for the big ones on structure or what they call off shore structure but you and I know that with a good map, it only takes a few minutes to interpret what is there and have at least some idea where they might concentrate their efforts. And then it comes down to trying to control their depths and speeds or to them, what do the fish want. You will eventually see this happen when someone (not during the spawn) ventures out on structure and makes the big catch. You will eventually see that happen more often after the first guy blows the rest of the field out of the water. If I wanted to make a little extra spending money, it would be easy to get into some local tournaments and do just that. With a couple of practice days, my chances would be pretty good, however, I have lost that urge to do it.
I just got done watching that show last night. That particular lake has not produced for a long time. The water color is now on the clear side and not as good as it was. On those lakes you had better have color or you just dont get the big ones. They spray the hell out of those lakes for the hydrilla and that can't be a good thing. On most of the Florida lakes, the big schools seem to be less and the movements they used to get are of less fish and smaller size, however it is still easier to get a 6-7 pounder just because of the growing season. A lake can go completely to pot and 4 years later you can be catching 3-4 pounders.
When they started this format, they had no idea that it would become the most watched tournament show on tv. When the big boys jumped ship from BAssmasters and FLW, it suprised the hell out of me. After reading a little more, I realized that most of these guys are still not making a living and many are losing their happy homes and families. I thought that their sponcers backing were paying for their expenses . That is not the case. Only the top 20 or so are making a living and this new format is going to allow all of these guys to make a decent living and better for the guys who place well. Lets face it, its not the truth about fishing and Buck Perry still doesn't get any credit for all of his efforts. It's tv and it is being promoted and that's where the money is. Ask Jim what it's like to try and get someone(anyone) to sponcer a tv show. A little guy cannot get his foot in the door.
Buck always said that a 6 pounder is still a freak in any body of water. This includes Florida but every once in a while you do get a freak and your chances are a lot better than in Indiana. Personally, I do enjoy watching those shows, in the winter. It passes the time and I love watching the other fishermen freak out when someone starts lighting up the scales.
The tournament guys that fish shallow are no different than our spoonpluggers. Some are satisfied with what they catch. If our spoonpluggers would put in the kind of effort that these tournament guys do, we would have a lot more good spoonpluggers. Mr. O'malley and I both agree on that.
I get tired of watching them beat the banks also but don't really want them out there in our way. John
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by John Bales »

Forgot to say this............ The inability for a fan to interact with their hero's is not available in this new format. KVD will miss those 50-100 people following him around and fishing his spots when he leaves for another. There are no weigh ins for the fans to gather. Although the Bassmaster and FlW tournaments will still go on, most of the big names and heroes are gone. Another way to look at it is this opens up an opportunity for another fisherman to go for their dream and maybe loose their happy family at the same time. It's like gambling. You take a risk and there is no guarantee you will get a paycheck. I wanted to be one of these guys when I was young. One of the people I wrote to get their opinion was Carl Maltz. His suggestion was not to do it but instead teach spoonplugging on the side for extra money. He explained to me that the fishing business is a really tough way to go. John
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by John Bales »

Forgot to say this............ The inability for a fan to interact with their hero's is not available in this new format. KVD will miss those 50-100 people following him around and fishing his spots when he leaves for another. There are no weigh ins for the fans to gather. Although the Bassmaster and FlW tournaments will still go on, most of the big names and heroes are gone. Another way to look at it is this opens up an opportunity for another fisherman to go for their dream and maybe loose their happy family at the same time. It's like gambling. You take a risk and there is no guarantee you will get a paycheck. I wanted to be one of these guys when I was young. One of the people I wrote to get their opinion was Carl Maltz. His suggestion was not to do it but instead teach spoonplugging on the side for extra money. He explained to me that the fishing business is a really tough way to go. John
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by Team9nine »

Just for clarification, the final round that Jim posted the scoreboard to was held on Lake Garcia. The five previous rounds including the knockout round were held on the Kissimmee Chain of lakes.

There were five 6 pounders weighed in the Shotgun round (Kissimmee Chain - Days 1 & 2).
There were five 6 pounders weighed in the Elimination round (Kissimmee Chain - Days 3 & 4)
There were two bass over 9 pounds weighed in along with a 7 pound and a 6 pound bass in the Knockout round (Kissimmee Chain - Day 5).
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by John Bales »

I just looked at a map of Garcia. The place is a stick marsh. It has one 9 ft hole in the south end. It's a very different looking body of water. Not a place a spoonplugger would even take a second look at. When Kissimmee was in its prime, the good spoonpluggers would catch 8-15 fish in one movement. Many of them would be in that 6-9lb range with a few bigger. They usually moved twice a day also. Wished I could get there more often for a real opinion. The last time we fished it, the water color was not as good as it used to be and the movements were crap. Florida lakes are really special once you have a chance to learn the best areas. The chance of a fish of your life is very good. When my eyes were opened to what is there, I was pretty much told to keep my mouth shut in a nice way. I fully understand why. John
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by John Bales »

Found an old article dated June 23, 1991 titled Spoonpluggers Scoop Big Bass. Here is some of the scoop. Six and 8 lb fish were commonplace in the livewells of the small boats manned by a contingent from Chatt Tenn. I'll shorten it up. Frank and wife caught 15 bass one day 19 the second day and 22 on the third. A few days later the largest of the trip, a 10 1/2 pounder. The group found 5 fish holding places and caught 130 bass weighing from 4 to ten pounds. Mr. Perry said they hadn't gotten an 11 yet.
These were the good days and in this group were two spoonpluggers (one the best and the other next in line as far as the best).
Here is the real problem. Buck is gone now and Frank got hit by a semi and took him out of the picture. Two inspirational people out of the group. It is what they passed down and the inspiration that went with it that is gone. Ask Jim Shell what it is like being around Buck Perry. Those of you who have never gotten a chance to be around him just have no idea what it was like. The two people who were full of knowledge are not available to share it. Personal sharing is much different than book knowledge.
With those two missing, its no wonder we are falling apart. No one can take Bucks place and who has stepped up to do much of anything to keep it going? These guys were special, just look at their catches. John
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Re: MLF Lake Kissimmee

Post by John Bales »

Might as well keep going. Most of us live in a small fishing world. Let's face it, for some reason, most of the spoonpluggers live in the midwest where we fish mostly natural lakes. Back in the day, our national outings put us on Lake Chicamauga, Pickwick and a few other reservoirs. It is the reservoirs that will tell the natural lake guys how little you think you might know. Add heavy current like you have at Pickwick and now you are dealing with an entirely new animal. Instead of dealing with 3 types of structures,now you have all 17. And the first time you get a look at lake Chicamauga, you start to be intimidated by its size. Lucky for us, Buck Perry put everything we need to know about these types of lakes into study.
Frank Hamill took 20 trips to Florida before he caught his first bass. I don't need to explain to you how difficult it is on those lakes before you see the light. This is how motivated Frank was. This is the effort it takes to get answers
Part of why I am talking about Frank is this morning I found a booklet that Frank made up called the Chattanooga Structure Series. It has drawings of structure situations Frank shared with the club and he made this book up for sale and donated the funds to the National Jamboree . One of the drawings said that if anyone shares this with another group that they would sink their boat. Sometimes the effort needed to find a great fishing hole keeps a person from giving it away to someone who has put in no effort. The drawing in this book are priceless. Florida lakes are included. Not sure how many are out there but it is a good read. Frank was a person who would ask you questions to get you to think. I miss those old days. John
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