
Basic movements,control/tools, structure,weather/water, presentation lures, lake types, mapping, mental aspects
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John Bales
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Post by John Bales »

I did not post this in the video section because I didnt want to cover up such an important post so I did it here where there has been no action. Don Dixon is a great teacher . The most important part of your future(how good you will get) depends on your study and to believe in what you read as truth. The second most important will be your time on the water. Everyone is different as to how much time you can spend on trying to put this stuff you read to work.
In order to have any kind of success, you must stick to the program. You must have the right equipment, boats motors, the proper trolling gear, spoonplugs and tools that will allow you to have success. All of what is the very basics and nothing more. If you spend the time, do the work, you will begin to catch more fish than you ever thought could happen.
There are many ways (methods) to catch a fish. Having spoonplugging knowledge will enable you to learn all that you want in short order, but............... first you must do your homework, on and off the water in order to have a base you can work from. All of Buck's findings are true fishing facts that have been proven without a doubt. If you read any old posts on other forums when they talk about spoonplugging, everyone thinks that it is old school and in the past and doesn't work any more. The fish have not changed. It is still the same. Those that put spoonplugging down have never worked hard or long enough to see success. They think trolling is for lazy people and because it is banned in bass tournaments, and that is what they do, it will do them no good. Trolling is allowed in walleye tournaments. '
I am glad that Don is back on the band wagon. I too had been a little put off that he chose not to participate on this forum but if you deal with the fisherman for a lot of years, when you decide to go your own way, it is very understandable that you stay far away from what you just left. Terry did the same thing. Anyone who has great love for spoonplugging will eventually come back.
Some of my first few students attended Dons schools. For what ever reason, they were the worst students of all that I had. Much thought went into why this was. I got some of Dons tapes and went through all of them to try and figure this out. It was not the teaching. It was the student. For some reason, in order to become good at this, a lot of time must be spent on the water and requires a strong desire to learn. Most are not willing to give this effort.This is the reason we are so few. We give up a lot in order to find the mother load. Most fisherman are satisfied with a lesser catch. The words that say that they dont know that they dont know is a very true statement.
How do you compete and share the truth about fishing when everything you see on tv is based around tournaments and sales of fishing equipment. The whole fishing world is based on sales. Very little time is spent on education.
Back to Don. I am glad he is back and obviously very motivated to teach again. Mr. Perry traveled the world trying to preach the truth about fishing. How many people did he reach? These days with social media, Don can reach out to millions and not one at a time or 30 fisherman in a classroom. I still think that the outcome will be the same, only a few will listen, but if it is enough to keep this thing going, then that's awesome. John
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Re: Education

Post by Steve Craig »

Have to agree with everything you wrote.

I got to talk to Tommy Ferencek about this very subject before he died. I asked him why he didnt come back to teaching, and his response was the same as Dons.
He just got tied of spinning his wheels and not seemingly being able to make an impact. He was up against all the TV and BASS hype, and few would listen.
Even fewer wanted to work this hard.
I reminded him that there were some of us that did listen and that his efforts were never in vain.

We all make choices in this life, and we have to live with them. Tommy made a choice to move in another direction. Im glad he did and he was still trolling the lures there in Florida before he passed.

It is always hard to see the results of your teaching efforts, until later. We never really know who and how we effect those around us in the beginning.
It always seems that the rewards always come later.

I guess that is how things are in this life.

Good post.
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Re: Education

Post by Bink »

Bucks finding are the basis of all modern day fishing and some of the most important findings in fishing history. But with they said the teaching of his findings are way outdated, boring, difficult and not practicle to most fisherman. Most fisherman truly struggle to understand the most basic fundamental of spoonplugging.... that is that the Spoonplug itself has very little to do with spoonplugging.
The linders built a fishing empire by addatping bucks findings and teaching people how to fish the way the wanted(not trolling). Buck himself said that people flat out told him that people don’t want fish the way we fish.
Maybe I’ll be wrong but some old guy sitting at a table in Florida telling fishing stories is not going to bring spoonplugging back.
We’re blessed to have the knowledge but for this to be cariried on much longer someone will have to come up with a complete new System of teaching bucks findings.
"Spoonpluging is a good way to catch all fish but not the best way to catch any fish
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Re: Education

Post by Steve Craig »

""Maybe I’ll be wrong but some old guy sitting at a table in Florida telling fishing stories is not going to bring spoonplugging back.""

I, for one, am glad this "old guy" is trying to teach a new generation about the facts of fishing. Don is an educator. Probably one of the best, if not the best.
I remember another "old guy" doing exactly the same thing. His name was Buck Perry.
One of the really "neat" things, IS his "stories". They drive home the point he is trying to make.
Buck used to do the same.

I dont believe Don is trying to "bring Spoonplugging back" as you say. That will probably never going to happen. Im sure he already knows that.
The facts are being put out there for all to see. It will only be up to the fisherman to CHOSE to believe and accept the information or not.
Buck always said you cant force someone to accept this stuff. Or to put it another way, "you cant tell someone that dont know, they dont know."
He spent his life trying to educate a bunch of dumb fisherman about fishing facts. Yet still only a handful of us had ears to hear and we CHOSE to believe him.
Life is a series of choices. We make 100's and even 1000's of choices every single day. Some are good and some are not so good.

Im glad I made the right choice in this case, and I am thankful that a couple of "old guys" took the time out of their lives to educate this dumb guy from Indiana. I know for a fact that i will always be in their debt.
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Re: Education

Post by beckman44 »

I think it is great that Don is back. Anytime one of the great teachers is willing to do a series of youtube videos on spoonplugging it is not a wasted effort. I will watch and learn from every one of his new series of videos. Bill.
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Re: Education

Post by Bink »

again I hope I’m wrong but my first encounter of Don was his story how he rigged a fishing tournament for some Illinois politician that lead to a contract for him with the city of chicago. He’s a Fucking used car salesman.
If that guy is the best teacher you ever meet I feel very sorry for you.
Enjoy watching this con man on YouTube

"Spoonpluging is a good way to catch all fish but not the best way to catch any fish
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Re: Education

Post by beckman44 »

Bink, I can honestly say I have never met Don Dickson, but have learned a lot from his old videos. I believe Steve fished with him several times and said he was a great teacher and great guy. I know one other person who went to his summer clinic in Minaki Ontario and said they learned a ton from him. I guess the only way to know a person is to spend time with him. Bill.
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Re: Education

Post by Steve Craig »

Wow Bunk!
Have any facts to back up those accusations?

I've spent hundreds of hours with Don. In the boat, in the classroom, and helping with the seminars in 1980 and 81.
Never heard that one before.

I can only tell you that the man I know as Don Dickson was and is a good Christian man.
Time spent will tell you the kind of person they are.

With accusations like that, no wonder he wouldn't come on here.
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Re: Education

Post by Bink »

Straight out of his mouth. Story starts about 44 min mark.
I don’t blame him at all I would have done the same thing. All I’m saying is I donnt think the guy is going to do much for promoting structure fishing to the new generation. Maybe a couple guys that just retiered and heard of him back in the day
"Spoonpluging is a good way to catch all fish but not the best way to catch any fish
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Re: Education

Post by Jim Shell »

Great post John, I agree with everything you said.
My thoughts on getting the younger new crowd exposed to Buck's teachings. I feel it will be just like the previous 2 generations, MAYBE 1 guy out of 100 will stick with it for more than a year. Actually, I think with the new millennial's, it will be more like 1 out of 200! As they want 'instant success" now a days. The guy that gets it is the guy that is feed up with his current results and has had enough. That guy will have an open mind and will then have the desire to LEARN. I was that guy in 1987. Than i bought the book and was hooked immediately. I have been giving seminars/talks on and off for over 25 years now. I'll never forget the very 1st talk I gave to a local fishing club. I went over the basics (structure, weather and water). When I was done I asked if there were any questions. The first question was from an older (cranky looking) guy that very sharply asked, "You never told us how to tie the spoonplug to the line!". Geez... I couldn't believe the question, as I was not talking about spoonplugs, or lure presentation. I don't think anyone there got it that night.
I often ask myself why do I keep on trying to spread the word, it seems pointless many times. I keep at it to honor Buck, and my way of giving back for everything he has given and shared with us. What keeps my going now is Casey's enthusiasm for fishing. I never forced him to go with me when he was younger. Several of those first few trips were just an hour or two on the water, til he got tired or did't show interest. I don't know how it happened, but it seemed like overnight he was hooked, and big time. I get my satisfaction watching him devolve and grow as a fisherman. I gave him his own green book about a year ago. I forgot I gave it to him. He just started reading it this week! He asked me a couple of questions about it. Makes my proud. So to keep this going, We hope to find that (1) person out of 200, and we pass it on to our kids/family.
As far as Don Dickson being a "con Man", I would say he is not a con man but a businessmen man. And in my opinion, a very good business man too.He is the ONLY person to make a living by teaching Buck's work. You have to give him credit for that.
“The day you become selfish in your fishing is the day your fishing growth stops” – Buck Perry
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Re: Education

Post by Steve Craig »

Thank you Jim for your fine post.

The 20 to 35 year old millenials, certainly are a "different mentality group", to say the least.
1 in 200 might be a little weak.
More like 1 in 300.
The are the same as far as employees go too.
They don't see or think like the generation before them. Not in a bad way, just different in how they react to things in this life, and how they process knowledge.

Also , I am glad I'm not the only one that recognizes the difference between con, and pro.
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Re: Education

Post by TN Dave »

Ditto to John, Steve, and Jim !!!

Thank the Good Lord for the "Old Guys".. where would any of us be if it were not for the Original Old Guy, Buck Perry.

I have known Don Dickson for almost 40 years and have know him to be an honest, intelligent and straight forward individual. Don is an effective and talented communicator. He had to be a good business man to have survived 20 years in the fishing business.

If it were not for Don Dickson and Tommy Ferencek teaching Spoonplugging classes in Leesburg, FL, a lot of us would not be around today. I still feel fortunate to have taken the classes in Florida and then made the trek to the school in Minaki, Canada...all of this back in 1979. Now I am one of the "old Guys".

Listening to Don's talk on you tube brought to mind the true genius of Buck Perry. Buck Perry lessons on fishing are time less! The lessons of Spoonplugging is as timely today as it was when Mr. Perry first started a formal business, Buck's Baits, in 1946, and it will still be timeless another 72 years from now.

Keep in mind that the "Old Guys" who were personally trained by Mr. Perry know more that the rest of us ever will. These "Old Guys" were on the water anywhere from 275 to 300+ days a year. In practical terms they fished more in one year than most of us are able to fish in a decade.

Don's you tube talks are an excellent review. If the Seventeen Structures Situations don't readily come to mind, order the pamphlet from Buck's Spoonplugs and get the Green Book out for study.

Final thought: Wise is the Spoonplugger, of any age, who listens to the "Old Guys" who have a lifetime of Spoonplugging knowledge and experience.

Be thankful that they share it with the rest of us.

Good Fishing,

TN Dave
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Re: Education

Post by Steve Craig »

You old scoundrel! Where you been?
Shoot me your email as i lost many of my contact when my computer crashed some time ago.
Send it in a PM if you dont want it on here.
Good to see you are still hanging around.
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