White lake spoonplugging 2017 outing

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Mike Paden

White lake spoonplugging 2017 outing

Post by Mike Paden »

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dROntcdRjdI - this is the final day here

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_ysFVVGVfg - pond bass fishing with the mtb

hope you guys learn something
250 series
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Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:20 am
Location: Central Arizona

Re: White lake spoonplugging 2017 outing

Post by yaaintdeadyet »

Mike that was fun to watch. You really enjoyed yourself. Yea I gleaned a few tips from each video. If you can keep it up.
Ya say life's tough, ya say ya got life figured out. Well, Ya aint dead yet.
Mike Paden

Re: White lake spoonplugging 2017 outing

Post by Mike Paden »

thanks man i hope to get tech you all something as spoonplugging taught me
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