
A place to post topics other than spoonplugging.
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Post by djerdly »

I was wondering where all the legends of spoonplugging are... Vic Sanders Terry O. Don Dickson I know where some of em are. Are they no longer involved in this I haven't ever seen them at the Indiana Outting. Im a cocky young kid who thinks im gonna be very good at this. One of my goals is to meet and fish with as many people as I can. The only thing getting in my way is school, and work. So the next best thing is to talk i supppose. I just dont really know what questions to ask. I am more of a hands on learner. So anyways why dont they get involved? Shed some light please
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John Bales
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Post by John Bales »

I can answwer that for you David. After years of trying to get people to listen and only a handfull do, they just go away and be quiet. You surely cant blame them for doing that. You are a young cocky punk kid and in about 20 years you will understand even more. They have already bled their hearts out trying to tell the truth. People dont want the truth. They want the secret lure, the shiney new fast boats and all that comes with instant success. You will find out that is true also, but it will take time as well. You just keep working and learning and some day you will have a chance to sit in my boat again. And maybe this time you might even catch a fish instead of watching me. :) John
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Jerry Borst
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Post by Jerry Borst »

If John B gives you the chance to get in his boat I wouldn't even let school get in the way!

Terry has not fallen off the edge and is still very much involved with teaching, the National News Letter, and many other areas. If you want to fish with one of the best save your money and book a time. BEST $Money$ spent! He's available what are you waiting for?
In fact I'm gonna start right here a drive to get Terry O'Malley to be the next featured speaker @ the winter seminar in Illinois next March,, Terry has a life time of knowledge which in my opinion is priceless!

Vic Saunders belongs and attends the Northern IL club meetings on a regular basis (3rd Tuesday of the month at Mchenry VFW @ 7:30) He also has attended at least the last 3 years the winter sem. and always has a contribution, Great guy and friend! lots of history as well.

Don't know Don, talked to him one time and believe he looks in here from time to time.

Also the contributions made here by Mr. Bush, though he hasn't lost a thing when it comes to stirring it up from what I've heard, All the good spoonpluggers are loyal to the truths, and are also not afraid to use them all,, however he could become a little more friendly towards the wire, ha,ha Doug Bush definitely falls in, Thanks for schooling us!
Jerry Borst
Bill Patterson

Bass Boat

Post by Bill Patterson »

Doug, Tell the story about being introduced to a "bass boat".
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Fran Myers
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Post by Fran Myers »

I just thought that I would mention that Don Nichols died last month.

I have been trying to get Terry to attend the winter seminar for three years to include getting airline tickets but I can't seem to get him up to Chicago.

Also consider this. I have fished with Terry and Don Dickson. It is easy to consider there abilities or accomplishments as something SUPERNATURAL. But keep in mind that all of the legends, Terry, Don Dickson, Don Nichols, Vic Saunders, John Bales, Jerry Borst,...would say the same thing. That is that EVERYONE can do what they do in fishing and have the same success. The biggest formula is putting in the effort, study, frustration, pain, anger, tears ... into your fishing.

I was very impressed with Terry's abilities. I hope to approach his level even on a small level. But NEVER think that the legends have not had the same pains and difficulties you may be experiencing. Believe me they did and do. Terry didn't become less of a legend when I fished with him, but I did see that I can and will reach my fishing goals with hard work and their guidance.

Yes, You should get on the water with Terry. He is truly amazing.
I don't care how expensive gas gets this summer, I am going to trailer my boat from Minnesota to North Carolina to fish with Terry again in September.

Fran Myers

To Bill Patterson

Post by DouglasBush »

Not too much to tell. The 15 foot Ouahita with the 33 johnson was the one I used when I began to take off with the spoonplugging. But it wasnt suitable for the tournaments because it wasnt big enough to accomodate a huge partner (seemed like mine always weighed 300 ponds) so I had to buy a larger one.
Especially to fight the weather conditions...I dont care how windy, how cold, how many boats sank...the tournament still went off as scheduled. And I went through some horrible ones too. Guys died from capsizing in 4 feet of water and the hypothermia got them....etc etc.
So I liked that big Bomber that Tom Mann had..with a 90 or 100 on it because it was wider and safer than that Ranger so I got me a Bomber too with a 125 Evinrude on it. And I never had any fear after that. I saw those Rangers sinking right and left but me and that Bomber just kept on plowing through those high waves and always got home...maybe a little wet, but alive for sure.
And thats about all there was to it...I was just getting the necessary tools to play in that money game
Bill Patterson

Bass Boat

Post by Bill Patterson »

Well that's an interesting story. I meant the one about getting to Mr. Perry's house the 1st time (I think). I believe they were having a meal and invited you to join them. You declined and just waited outside until he was through. He came out and said something like, "So you want to bass fish, Sonny! Well, you're going to need a BASS BOAT. He threw open the garage doors and there sat an old, small aluminum boat." Correct me on this if I got the details wrong.
Looks like Forrest Wood doesn't have many Spoonplugger fans...

some talk

Post by djerdly »

Guys like these legends are a dime a dozen. I like using the word legends because so many get frusturated and just dont understand. My issue is money i am a broke college kid who owes my parents for awhile. I am not complaining about not being able to fork over the money for the one on one session with Terry but, I have resources to a couple other keepers. The main thing I keep asking myself is if they can do it with just the help of a couple people why cant we all? I am blessed with having some of the toughest fishing conditions. The reason i say blessed is because it makes me work harder and understand more about the big picture of spoonplugging. I have a good club and the guys are all great I guess i have a unaltered mind and can be open to the whole concepts and teachings of Bucks material. I haven't made huge catches, I cant map a lake with pencil and paper to explain every detail, I cant catch fish yet in the river current (JOHN), but I have ambition and passion thanks to the club guys and the fish. My main goal this year is to expand my fishing and really start focusing in on structure. I was told once that some get to a certain point in where they hunt for the structure that produces the big fish schools and can mediate between these structures and know when and where the fish will be. Trolling isn't neccessary just straight line passes or casting. I'd like to incorporate that and also be able to correctly map lakes. What goals to you all have each fishing year? The more i seem to learn the more there is to learn. I know you all have different aspects and goals to accomplish what are some of them? Oh yea where are the dang fishing reports i went fishing last weekend everyday and was dissapointed. Clear skies and tough post spawn (for some species) conditions.

To Bill Patterson about Buck and the boat

Post by DouglasBush »

No, that wasnt me on that one.
I remember seeing all those old outboard motors he had over there in the old shop though.
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