Depth Finders

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Post by love2fish »


Have been hearing a lot about this zercom flasher...Is this something I should try to find?...I have heard they don't make them anymore....I guess you have to check at ebay etc....Also, is there a particular zercom flahser that I should look for?..

Can anyone shine some light on the subject of the zercom flahser?...

david powell R.

Post by david powell R. »

My personal opinon is that any flasher ,lcr,lcd,will work just fine.All you need is something that shows the bottom depth,you spoonplugs will tell the rest.
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Zercom flasher

Post by jwt »

There's a Zercom Colorpoint on eBay right now. Minimum $160. No bids as of 1:20 CDT. Bidding ends 3 MAY. Here's the link. ... dZViewItem
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Post by site admin »


I'd strongly suggest you get a good lure retriver. Jerry Borst makes a good one, contact him if your interested. It will pay for itself 10 times over...

Post by love2fish »

Hi Spoonplu,

How are you doing?...I am doing good..I already picked up a lure retriever from Jerry...Received in the mail the other day...

I have a question for you Spoonplu....I already have two eagle 180 fish finders....What is the difference between a regular fish finder and zercom colorpoint?....If the zercom is going to help me out more than a regular fish finder?...I am willing to sale my two eagle 180's and purchase a zercom....Just get back with me whenever you get time..

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