Not understanding

Basic movements,control/tools, structure,weather/water, presentation lures, lake types, mapping, mental aspects

to WR80

Post by DouglasBush »

I can find no fault in running all the devices a person wants to run as long as they have those lures back there clanking and bumping. There are just too many fish in too many places where "the book says they won't be" to pass up keeping the lures in the water. I've seen them on cameras and have caught them too...but it required a lure or something with a hook on it to do so. You'll be hard pressed to find anything that will draw a strike like that ugly spoonplug can do. The fish just seem to hate the thing.
Dont make the mistake, however, of cutting back on the time you spend running the lures in favor of playing with the gadgets. To do so will bring an almost unbelieveable decline in fishing success.
Watching the "bass pros" is a good practice since nowadays they seldom waste time going below 10 if you see one catch a fish, then it means there may be a hot spot there for you to check out after he leaves. Trust me, unless he's on to a hole loaded with fish, he won't be there long anyway.
If you like to play mind games like I do, you can lay a "soft con" on them and ask "wow, you guys are good, wish I could catch fish like that, how did you happen to choose that spot you're in?" They will usually swell up and give you a 10 minute diatribe about anything from the color selction to the action of the bait but somewhere in there they may tip off something of value about the bottom of the lake. They will think you're just an idiot in your small boat and will delight in trying to "help you".
Use every means, fair or foul, (as long as its legal) to get a tell on them and then use that edge within your spoonplugger guidelines and you will be okay.
Good luck in your growth. NEVER think there is an aspect of fishing
that doesnt change. Change in life or any endeavor is inevitable...there is no standing still, otherwise regression is sure to follow. Those who deny this are living in the past.
Stay Happy,
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John Bales
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Post by John Bales »

Hey Pat, Finally found a use for an old hummingbird. Redid my dads old spoonplugging boat for my son. We worked our asses off this winter to get this thing into shape. Put in a new floor, transom, painted it, new carpet. John Zaborney worked on the 15 hp johnson and brought it back to life and it runs like a top. Bought a zercom in dash flasher and thought a lot how to mount the thing . Had the guys at work make me a box out of aluminum and it would have worked had it not been so gaudy looking. The welds were so ugly I just couldnt use it. Bought a piece of plexiglass and decided I would just heat and bend it and drill a hole in it and mount the thing on it at the right angle and that would work just fine. Got it bent just right and went to drill a hole and then it cracked and I just happened to lose my cool and stomped it to death and that was it for that idea.
Douglas, I know you are laughing at this.
Well, two days of looking around the garage and I just happened to look in the corner and there was this old worn out hummingbird sitting there just beging to be turned on again. And then it hit me. I took off the face plate. Pulled out the old guts. Took the face plate and measured it to drill a hole. Drilled it out so that the indash would fit. Filled in one of the two holes that the bird had with a flat head bolt and then painted the faceplate dark green. This is the neat part. The plastic nut that held on the old transducer plug fit right on the zercom. I then drilled out a hole through the old power plug in the bird just big enough to fit the power chord of the new one and then put some goop around it to keep the water out. I now have a unit that can be turned up or down or side to side when needed. You know, every once in a while you do something that actually works out ok.
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Jerry Borst
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Post by Jerry Borst »

Dear Mr. fix it,

On our next trip over to the river would you mind if I drop by,,,, I need my wheel bearings repacked. :lol: :lol:
I'll take a hand full of those heavy buddys of yours as well, just let me know how mu$h. They should be excellent in that current!
Bill Patterson

Johnnies boat

Post by Bill Patterson »

Say, John, I'll bet Johnnie will hold on to that boat forever. He's even got your version of a 'Green Box' now! Lexan is a great plastic type material that is easily worked, bent, drilled, filed, etc. Lowes may sell it. Otherwise machine shops or even glass folks probably have scraps they'll give you. I live off the scraps that places I've worked throw in the trash. Big Blue guys used to let me use most of the stuff in their machine shop. Part of it was for test equipment I was building & part of it was for personal use. With the Lexan, just saw and drill slowly or it will melt. An angle grinder and file will clean that up though (same with your aluminum).
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John Bales
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Post by John Bales »

Hey Bill, Thanks for the information. That stuff can be used for a lot of things. I am much better with grey or black tape when something breaks. Every once in a while, I get something right. A lot like my fishing. On both I have room for improvement. John

Bales stomping that project to pieces

Post by DouglasBush »

I have read that post dozens of times and each time I bust out laughing when I get a mental image of you attacking that stuff.
It reminds me of that time I "went postal" and shotguned that crummy boat to the bottom of the lake with all those people scattering for cover......"he's having a run".
Oh man thats funny stuff.
Stay happy.
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Post by jwt »

Can someone explain to me what "100 Series", "700 Series", and "800 Series " after some peoples names indicates? Thanks
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site admin
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Post by site admin »

A ranking system on how many postings you have. Still fine tuning it, but something like this:
500 series: 5 to 9 posts
400 series: 10+
250 series: 20+
200series: 30+
100 series: 50+
700 series: 70+
800 series: 100+
Jump bait: 200+

was wondering how long it would take someone to ask....

Also....Doug (Mr.Bush)..added a nice advatar for you...Vintage Doug (Lone Fisherman) from the early 80's.
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800 series
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Post by jwt »

Kinda looks a little like George Bush of 30 years ago, doesn't he!? (Hope that doesn't cause a violent outburst from Douglas and incite a riot.) :)


Post by DouglasBush »

Been a long time since I saw that picture. Man, I was pretty back then. Those days are long gone. You picked out a good one..certainly okay with me. (I got no problem with resembling the Prez.)
site admin wrote:A ranking system on how many postings you have. Still fine tuning it, but something like this:
500 series: 5 to 9 posts
400 series: 10+
250 series: 20+
200series: 30+
100 series: 50+
700 series: 70+
800 series: 100+
Jump bait: 200+

was wondering how long it would take someone to ask....

Also....Doug (Mr.Bush)..added a nice advatar for you...Vintage Doug (Lone Fisherman) from the early 80's.
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