My Number 1 Goal

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Garry B
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My Number 1 Goal

Post by Garry B »

My number 1 goal is to spend eternity with Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

The green book written by Mr. Perry teaches us what we must do to catch adult fish more consistently during our short life on this earth. The Bible, inspired by God, teaches us what we must do to spend eternity with Jesus.

If you are interested in spending eternity with Jesus, instead of spending eternity in the Lake of Fire being tormented 24/7, then I recommend that you read the books in the New Testament written by the Apostle Paul. Paul was had picked by Jesus to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. Many, including myself, consider the book of Romans to be the how to book on salvation. Romans 10:9-10 summaries what each of us must do as individuals before we take our last breath in order to spend eternity with Jesus.
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by TN Dave »


Very well said!! I, also, have made the analogy of the lessons of the “Green Book” and the “Holy Bible”. Two different books entirely with excellent advice for productive fishing and soul saving guidance for a productive life.

We have a choice now as to where each of us will spend eternity. We can live life on our own, or we can choose Jesus as our Savior and spend forever with Him or be in the Lake of Fire forever and ever.

Lot easier to be fishing on a Sunday morning than being in Bible study and worship service. By using the same diligence of studying the “Green Book” for Bible study, the Bible study will provide untold blessings forever.

None of us know when our last day on this earth will be. For those of us who have been around longer than we care to think about, we seen to many folks pass away unexpectedly. For those of us who have heard our preacher make an alter call at the end of the morning’s lesson; today is the day we need to accept Jesus as our Savior, tomorrow may be to late!!

Take Care and Choose Wisely,

TN Dave
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Steve Craig »

Two awesome posts right there!!!!

That Good Book says that "whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might'! Eccl 9:10

It is the same with the Green Book. If we dont apply what the BOOK teaches, then we are wasting our time.
Mr. Perry was a very Spiritual man. I asked him one time how he came up with all this stuff? His reply..........
He truly believed that it all came from his Creator.
I believe it is one of the reasons he never gave up, even through all the adversity he faced.
He truly did Eccl. 9:10
He also told me that he was NOT the first Spoonplugger!!!! He said that Christ was! Luke 5:4
Christ told Peter to......"row out to DEEP water and cast your nets there"

I always remembered that verse, and it does take Faith in the beginning when you and i start Spoonplugging because Buck simply says that " deep water is the home of the fish", and if we dont accept that then all the rest will be useless to us.

It only makes sense that God created all this for us, and He also raised up people like Mr. Perry to teach us about the true Facts of Fishing.
Jesus, who only asks us to simply Believe in Him and accept Him as our Savior, and we will be with Him forever. Again....Faith. It takes Faith on our part. If we can believe that Deep water is the home of the fish, then how much more better for us if we Believe in Christ's sacrifice for ALL of us. And ALL we have to do is simply .....believe.
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Garry B »

Romans 10:9-10 King James Version

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Duplex »

My Bible says

Talking about the man in the Oval Office, Trump. I think that God gave the Republican senators one more chance to get rid of him and, when they failed, I think he is looking at America just like he looked at Egypt when they had the Israelites as slaves. And he said if you won’t get rid of them, I will. And I think the coronavirus is just one of the plagues that you’re going to see that God is sending to Earth to get rid of him. And another thing, it says in my Bible when people say to get rid of Trump, they say but the economy is so great. Well, my Bible says that if you gain all the riches in the world and lose your soul, you have done nothing. I don’t think America needs to be made great again. It needs to get its soul back. And it’s not going to get its soul back until they get rid of the devil’s angel in the White House.
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Steve Craig
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Steve Craig »

I agree!
The devils angel in the White House needs to be gone. And his days are probably numbered as we speak, and Jezabel will replace him very soon.
Neither are for Israel that I can see. They want to help every country that is against Israel.
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Hal Standish »

Duplex wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:17 am My Bible says

Talking about the man in the Oval Office, Trump. I think that God gave the Republican senators one more chance to get rid of him and, when they failed, I think he is looking at America just like he looked at Egypt when they had the Israelites as slaves. And he said if you won’t get rid of them, I will. And I think the coronavirus is just one of the plagues that you’re going to see that God is sending to Earth to get rid of him. And another thing, it says in my Bible when people say to get rid of Trump, they say but the economy is so great. Well, my Bible says that if you gain all the riches in the world and lose your soul, you have done nothing. I don’t think America needs to be made great again. It needs to get its soul back. And it’s not going to get its soul back until they get rid of the devil’s angel in the White House.

Not really sure what this has do with Number one goal of salvation or the nexus of this thread.

Steve Craig wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:49 am I agree!
The devils angel in the White House needs to be gone. And his days are probably numbered as we speak, and Jezabel will replace him very soon.
Neither are for Israel that I can see. They want to help every country that is against Israel.

Right on!
God Bless You all

8/15/24 .... Muskies (8) PB 47.5" Pike (442) PB 37" LM Bass (147) PB 20" These fish were Caught On 13 different lakes in St. Joseph and Kalamazoo Counties Thank-You ! Buck Perry
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Jim Shell »

I think Jim D account has been hacked. (or he's of his meds!) :lol: :lol:

I also think this COLD and SNOWY winter is getting to us all!
CANT wait for open water!
“The day you become selfish in your fishing is the day your fishing growth stops” – Buck Perry
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by yaaintdeadyet »

I can't equate any work by man to that of my belief and faith in the inspired word of God, the Bible. No treatise of the intricacies of God's creation. No exposition of the character or qualities of humanity. No commentary of the divine and unerring Word himself. Whether offered by man dare compare. If efforts put forth were to hint of inspiration the veneration given that individual need be colored with humility. Openly admitted. Whether it be Jefferson, Madison, Martin Luther, C.S. Lewis, Voltaire or Tocqueville. Leopold, Kreh, Wulff or Buck Perry. Just a few.

This much I know. And believe. From scripture it's clear. Christ healed, prophesied, exonerated and absolved personal sin with one step to follow. Repentance. Repentance doesn't come to a man through his own efforts. To believe that is prideful. Repentance by way of guilt severs the love God has, is, for us. Scripture reveals even the slightest sincerity in accepting Christ's offering manifests contrition. An awareness of remorse illuminated within a man. It's simple enough. Akin, if you will, to a father whispering direction to his child.

OK, enough out of me. It's midnight and tonight's Chinese food has kept me about long enough. Me thinks tonight's gastro plight could be a CCP conspiracy.
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by TN_Explorer »

Glad to see so many believers here.
All I can say is both books are really hard to figure out by yourself.

Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Duplex »


Good to have you back in the mix. We’ve been having some stimulating and thought-provoking discussions lately. Looking forward to more of your input

So, here’s where we’re at:
We've got conspiracy theories with actual video proof; no facts but since when did they matter? Did you know the election was stolen? Fortunately, a guy who makes pillows figured out the whole scheme. Only a person of sound mind would question his conclusions. But hey, it does qualify as a conspiracy theory.

Do you know what theory means by the way? “In everyday use, the word "theory" often means an untested hunch, or a guess without supporting evidence.”

Here’s another theory: the California wildfires were started by Jews firing lasers from outer space? You won't find that in the mainstream media! But if you turn to the right, you have to make an extreme turn to the right, there's all the proof you need!

And another one: did you also know that “Semitic aerospace weaponry is the second-biggest threat facing this country, right after plane crashes caused by the Clintons”? And how do we know, a Georgia Republican told us so.

And we got religion. We got old time religion, where you can quote any verse from the bible and make up your own interpretation. I particularly like the ones that support conspiracy theories. I never realized there was so much humor in the bible. TN_Explorer is correct “both books are really hard to figure out by yourself.” I’m more than happy to join in the fun and encourage you to have a crack at it as well!


P.S. I figured if it was okay for some of the guys posting to get off their meds, so can I. This is fun! Just sayin’
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by yaaintdeadyet »

A forum to remark on your statements won't do justice to either your viewpoint or mine Jim. At best to rebut forums are a fractured means of reaching even common ground.

From the time of the early intranet bulletin boards, to topic and subject generated forums, to chat rooms, Farce Book, Twitter and such one aspect of online discourse holds true. They're all nothing more than an example of the world's largest and most used public bathroom wall.
Ya say life's tough, ya say ya got life figured out. Well, Ya aint dead yet.
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Steve Craig
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Steve Craig »

""From the time of the early intranet bulletin boards, to topic and subject generated forums, to chat rooms, Farce Book, Twitter and such one aspect of online discourse holds true. They're all nothing more than an example of the world's largest and most used public bathroom wall.""

Good one Ralph!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Religion is a guy in church, thinking about fishing.
Relationship is a guy out fishing, thinking about God!

Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by Duplex »


I gotta agree with Steve, regarding your bathroom analogy. It certainly makes sense now that you bring it up. Do you think the pillow guy was inspired by what he reads in there? Most of the stuff in the stalls can be pretty humorous and his video is certainly a joke. Yeah! Now I’m 100% sure this fool, dropping a stool, made it his Number 1 Goal to spread the word. It makes you wonder though, was he so busy reading the writing on the walls that he forgot to wipe his ass and flush the toilet!!? Come to think of it, the stink is so bad it's a good probability. And I’m sure he doesn’t wash his hands!!!! Just sayin'.

Good stuff, Ralph!!!!! Keep 'em coming :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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John Bales
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Re: My Number 1 Goal

Post by John Bales »

Jim, If the crappies show up like they did last year, you can drive over, shoot some video and add some good stuff to that bathroom wall. I know your up to that. John
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