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Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:58 am
would anyone care to interpret this area for largemouth bass thru the seasons?
harris.jpg (265.52 KiB) Viewed 14855 times

Re: harris

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:37 pm
by phillip szafranski
Champ, I suggest that you first provide an overview from a spoonp!uggers perspective to start this dialog. There is nothing better than an individual explaining their interpretation of a fishing situation. Do you have a hand drawn map of the area you are inquiring about?

Re: harris

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:59 pm
I have never fished this area before. But just by studying the map I think it would be a pretty good area for all seasons. The big bar should get a migration of bass in the summer, contact I think would be the long finger on the south east end of bar appears to be good sharper break on the end. Also the same bar on east side could be used in the colder season very sharp drop off. The inward slot could be used in prespawn to swallows. I like this area because it provides and is tied together all seasons for the bass. IMHO. I have fished this lake a lot back in early 90s from mid. february till 1st of may back then it had lots of grass that at this time of year was full of gaint bass . I don't know how many over 7 lbs I caught but it was a bunch. My best from this lake was 9lb 12oz. but I lost some sure were bigger, best 5 limit was 36 lb. I intend to fish it this summer so all input is appreciated. They have killed the grass some type of reed know grows in the sallows very swallow. Also seeing lots of carp they seem to be trying to spawn now. It appears there is at least 6 good summer areas to work.

Re: harris

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:21 am
by phillip szafranski
Champ, thanks for the immediate response. I have a few thoughts but I will hold off my response for now and see what others offer. Maybe someone on this site has been on this feature!

Re: harris

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:23 pm
by jwt
Champ check out the large bar that runs out to the deep water(Harris Bar 1). Map it, troll it, interpret it. All the way to 30+ feet. Pay attention to the bars at the end of the cut opposite the fork in the road. Do the same for what looks like a feeder stream cut(Harris Bar 2). Post your results here on the forum for critique.

My $0.02

Re: harris

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:41 pm
by phillip szafranski
Champ, the map you presented is not adequate enough to offer an interpretation of the fishing situation and I would like you to reflect on your Spoonplugging knowledge to arrive at the answers you are seeking.
So, here is the question I present to you. What are Buck’s guidelines when in comes to “presenting lures”” and his guidelines when it comes to “interpreting” a fishing situation?
Answering this question will lead you to the proper conclusion as to why this map is not adequate. I promise to offer the reasoning but I am sure you would like to test your Green Book recollection and come to the proper conclusion on your own.

Re: harris

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:59 am
I had to go back and look at 1st post ,sorry I did use the word interpret ,I should have said speculate . I know the only way to interpret a situation is you have to go and map it yourself. This is just at home speculating.

Re: harris

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:39 pm
by phillip szafranski
Champ, here is my interpretation of the map you posted. I asked the question to see if you can recall how the written material advises us on how to interpret what we are looking at. You would not be able to answer the question without already being several chapters into the written material. Just curious, how far along are you in the written study?

The reason an accurate interpretation cannot be made is: when viewing the map, the deepest water shown appears to be near the opposite shoreline. If that is truly the case, we must assume the main channel is on the other shoreline and because you did not show more of the downstream water, we cannot determine if or where the main channel meets up with the side feeder stream cut.

Many will say, we have 30 feet at the tip of the bar, but it just may be a flat and if the channel is on the other side, you need several breaks to cross the possible flat or have the main channel meet the side feeder stream.

As Buck has stated, the final analysis will be determined by the location of the fish.

Re: harris

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:10 pm
how far along are you in the written study?
Since 1985,been thru it all 100 times.
I am well aware the main creek channel is on the other bank, didn't want that brought in yet, just the structure ,and not for my purpose but hope to get others to post such things they may not know or clear things up.

Re: harris

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:06 pm
by phillip szafranski
Champ, if you are asking for an interpretation of the fishing situation, the home of the fish must be included. You cannot focus on the structure situation only. If the fish cannot locate the structure in your initial posting, there is no value in expending energy on a feature that will not produce. As stated in my last response, without including the downstream information, this feature cannot be analyzed.

For those saying that we have 30 feet nearby, this is not good enough! If you looked at lowland and highland reservoirs, they will have plenty of water at 30 feet or deeper. This thought process will slow our time to reaching the fish because it expands the features we need to consider. Our job is to eliminate the unproductive features and in reservoirs the channel is our guide.

Hope this helps.

Re: harris

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:38 pm
I was trying to show this area as this is all there is . But you must have gone to navionics and looked at the lake map. Suppose this was all there is in this lake ,then how would you read it.

Re: harris

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:32 pm
by jwt
Champ from your 12 Apr post:
I had to go back and look at 1st post ,sorry I did use the word interpret ,I should have said speculate . I know the only way to interpret a situation is you have to go and map it yourself. This is just at home speculating.

Generally posts to Lake of the Week are intended to start discussion and poses general questions such as Where would you fish in the spring for bass? Summer for bass? Where would you spend time casting? How would you fish this lake?, How would you interpret this lake? Water color? Best time of the year to fish? If this lake had bass.. where would you fish spring,

You seem to know that lake pretty well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is what you were trying to get across to trigger discussion; the word "interpret" was too specific.

Thanks for posting it.

Re: harris

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:51 am
You are correct maybe, I should have used a lake I don't fish.