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Buck trivia question

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:08 pm
by Ben Marcos
Maybe this question has a well known answer among Spoonpluggers, however, I havent read it anywhere. My answer is what Buck told me personally, circa 1990, when i visited him in Hickory. What is the ONE lure that Buck said could do a very good job in harvesting frenzied bass, cornered in a school, in a casting situation, in the same (or similar) manner that a Spoonplug can do? To me, this trivia question isnt exactly trivial, but I think y'all know what I mean. No need to purchase a different lure with spoonplugs already on your side, very proven for this function, especially.

(PS, The fascination to me is how Buck arrived at his opinion. HOW MANY of us would have the discipline to try MANY other lures and/or methods after working up a school of frenzied LMB?)

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:58 pm
by John Bales
I could only assume that if the situation allowed for the casting of a spoonplug , the spoonplug would be my first choice if knowing exactly where the school is located and if I could get the boat in the correct anchored position. Your question is what other lure would keep those same fish in a similar frenzy? What are our other choices I would say! A heavy jig, a jigging spoon, a heavy blade bait but a blade bait was not popular in his days so I might say either the jig or the jigging spoon. You ask who has the discipline to try other methods? I doubt if I would ever just stop in the middle of casting into a school of big bass with the spoonplug if they are coming every cast, NEVER! But when it's over something else on the slower side like a jig will be flung out there to get the last few. One time Mike Brown and I got into several schools of smallmouth bass casting an 800. With each fish, they got closer and closer to the boat. A few hit the lure as it came off the bottom right under the boat. Then we made a few short casts with the 800 and when it hit the bottom, we ripped it hard off the bottom and got a few more and then a heavy tube jig got the last of them very near the boat. I have always believed in learning any method of catching fish along with what I already knew. Enough time was taken to learn them all well and spoonplugging knowledge will tell me when to get them back out. The more you can learn, the better you can get and isn't that the name of the game?

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:06 pm
by Ben Marcos
Dear John Bales,
Be assured that I do read each of your posts (at least those I have encountered) two or three times over. However, since this forum is "The Pub," that implies we (at least I) may be speaking a bit "cheeky" after a few drinks. Your answer introduced a couple straw men I did not propose! For example, the concept of "cleaning up" on a diminishing school with any kind of jump type lure is fully explained in Buck's "How to work a school" guideline, and therefore is not the answer. Also, i specified what Buck told me about LMB, not smallmouth, which may or may not be a factor here. (I take your experience that it's NOT a differentiating factor, in this situation.)

<<I doubt if I would ever just stop in the middle of casting into a school of big bass with the spoonplug if they are coming on every cast, NEVER!>>

Ah, but apparently Buck did exactly that. I can picture him into a school with Marjorie in the front of boat, and proposing, "Bud, you keep 'em coming on the spoonplug while I try some other things."

<<I doubt if I would ever just stop in the middle of casting into a school of big bass with the spoonplug if they are coming on every cast, NEVER!>>

Well, I didnt exactly specify BIG bass. For all I know, Buck was thinking of an occaision of a school of 3 pounders somewhere in Mexico. Since Buck entrusted me to hear something I didnt get every day, I decided to just shut TFU, in this case.

Next contestant, please?
(As I said, just being cheeky. This is The Pub.)

(Hint, it's a specific lure name and brand, not just a lure type. It existed in the 1960s, possibly also the 50s or maybe the 40s, not sure.)

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:33 pm
by Ben Marcos
Oops, apology. I did not specify LMB originally, but only meant to. Probly not a relevant issue in either case, Sorry.

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:36 pm
by John Bales
A spinner bait is great for cleaning out your pee hole on the outboard. Cut the hook off and the spinner. Throw it in the back of the boat and it wont blow out. John

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:24 am
by Ben Marcos
I deserve that for failing to read my own silly (and nitpicky) tone. So sorry for how I said all that. The answer isnt even something I ever understood, but just a curiosity.

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 2:57 am
by Ben Marcos
I also asked administrator to delete thread if he agrees it appropriate to do so. Regret my smarmy tone throughout.

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:32 pm
by Duplex

I'm gonna guess a Daredevil/Johnson silver minnow/flatfish.


Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 1:57 pm
by Team9nine
Just so we can get to the answer quicker, I’ll throw one out there :mrgreen: I do know that in addition to Spoonplugs, Don Nichols and John Buoy used to also use L&S Bass Masters a lot, at least down in Florida, though probably mostly for trolling with. I’ll go with it...

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:30 pm
by Sonny
Weighted Rapala?


Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:23 pm
by John Bales
Buck did mention the daredevil as a great jump type lure so Jim might just win the $1000.00 for the right answer. There is money involved right? John

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:40 pm
by joseph radunz
I throw a “Bomber” in the mix just for fun.


Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:36 am
by phillip szafranski

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:41 am
by John Bales
Think about this . What makes the spoonplug the best lure for keeping the fish in a frenzy and allows us to catch the most fish out of a school. The ability of the spoonplug to control depths and speeds at the same time and the walk...………..the walk...………..the walk...……..again the walk. So...………..if there is one lure that could even come close, it would have to have the ability to bump the bottom. All other jump type lures do no offer this depth and speed control. Have another drink and tell us what he said. I want to know who wins the money. John

Re: Buck trivia question

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:00 am
by phillip szafranski
To my aging recollection the Mudbug sinks and the metal lip would walk the from bottom!