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Wanted Long handle Buck Perry Rod

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:48 am
by catfish2
Looking for the long handled Rods or rod handles that used to be sold by Bucks Baits

I Think they are Fugi Extra long handles, If anyone wants to sell please email me at

Thank you
Steve Reed

Re: Wanted Long handle Buck Perry Rod

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:55 am
by Fran Myers
Hi Steve,
I look for them on Ebay. And there are not that many. I have a number of the Fuji Long handles somewhere but the problem is the ferrule??? that is glued to the rod that the handle is glued to. The Alternative is to get one or more of your short handled rods redone or remodeled or reworked with a long handle.

Mike Beck takes the rods down to the bare blank. Everything comes off - Guides, Wraps, Tip, handle, and ferrule. Then he builds a new handle with rings of artificial cork, a reel seat, new guides, and tip. The rod itself stays the same length, just a longer handle added. Mike also puts more guides on the rod.

Mike does beautiful work but the handles and stuff is not cheap. If you are interested PM and I will give you his phone number. Mike has done 7 or 8 of mine and they are great.
