Hello from Ohio

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Hello from Ohio

Post by Nighttrout »

Hello everyone my name is Andy Lewis. Moved to Ohio 5 years ago from PA. Went from trout fly fisherman to a bass fisherman. I have read the home study course a couple times and I still don't know what I am doing!! Started 2 months ago have caught a total of 4 dinks on spoonplug lure. Hope to pick some brains and get on the right track. I believe in everything I have read just haven't been able to put it together.

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John Bales
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Re: Hello from Ohio

Post by John Bales »

Welcome to the forum. This group of guys will get you going in the right direction and give you any kind of help you will need. There are no secrets. Mr. Perry wrote the truth about fishing and if you will study, believe and spend some time on the water, success will follow. We all struggled at first. Even then we caught more fish that we ever thought we could. I have been doing this for 43 years and still learn something every time I get on the water. Don't be afraid to ask any question. John
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Fran Myers
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Re: Hello from Ohio

Post by Fran Myers »

Welcome, Spoonplugging is both the most frustrating and at the same time satisfying fishing techniques someone can do.

On this forum youll find people all over the country that can help.

Good Evening
Fran Myers
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Re: Hello from Ohio

Post by jwt »

NightTrout welcome to the forum. You came to the right place.

John Bales, who posted above, is one of, if not the best, Spoonplugger in the country. He is a CSI(Certified Spoonplugger Instructor) and an EXCELLENT, dedicated teacher. Denny Coulardot, who ranks right up there with John, is also from IN, is a CSI, and a topnotch Spoonplugger and instructor. I strongly urge you to set up a session with John or Denny. You will learn more in one day than you can learn in a year on your own.
Steve Hapanowicz
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Re: Hello from Ohio

Post by Steve Hapanowicz »

1. i am new to the organization too
2. have been fooling around with spoonplugs for many years: read the book many times, took a spoonpluging seminar about 30 years ago, lost lots of spoonplugs etc
3. have had essentially the same results as you noted
4. live in NE Ohio
5. looking for someone else in the area that is interested in learning / teaching this fishing system...
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Re: Hello from Ohio

Post by CHAMP »

Welcome aboard
You should be in smallmouth heaven on lake erie.
But if you are not ready for erie their looks to be many small lakes in that area pick one that has good water color and learn to troll the 1st 3 sizes .Also don't rush doing this. Doing this under many different weather conditions and seasons of the year will teach you a lot. Keep your mind and eyes open,take notes record things. If for some weird reason after many long days SUNUP TILL SUNSET you are not catching fish try another lake , but as you are trolling be sure to have plugs working bottom most of the time. YOU SHOULD START CATCHING FISH.
David Powell
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