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Eating Freshwater Drum

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:00 pm
by roncrete
Hello All,

I have caught and eaten the saltwater Black Drum and Red Drum, (commonly called Redfish where I live), and years ago and have eaten them both up to around 15 pounds. I found them both pretty darn good. The general knowledge around here is that really big Black Drum are very coarse and usually wormy. I have sometimes heard the same for the Redfish. Never eaten one of the giants of either species, nor caught them.

Well anyway, I have been reading what Fran just posted of the Bass Island trip (several times!) and have never caught a freshwater Drum. But I AM very curious how good they are for eating........

Any body care to share their own experience? Recipes?

Thanks and be well,


Re: Eating Freshwater Drum

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:47 am
by Consigliere
Personally don't think most eat them...but could be wrong.

Saltwater versions are very good though. Love redfish.

Re: Eating Freshwater Drum

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 4:52 pm
by ltharley
I have read on Lake-Link, and then researched a bit on the internet, about eating freshwater drum. Many say that it is very good. One guy on lake link says that his wife hates eating fish, but loves drum. Apparently he only uses the meat off of the back, leaving any meat below the lateral line / rib cage. I have not tried it yet, but plan to. I will likely use smaller fish, maybe two pounds or so, as opposed to the beasts we were catching in Lake Erie. Some of the recipes on the internet include the same as those used for Redfish, like Cajun style.

As a side note, I also read that some people take the calcium "pearls" out of the heads of the males and make jewelry with them. These are the deals that the males use to make that grunting noise that has gotten them the nickname of drum.


Re: Eating Freshwater Drum

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 6:24 pm
by John Bales
I can tell you how a drum tastes. On a trip to lake Erie with a friend, we decided that we were going to try one. The guides on the Detroit River guide some of the Viet Nam people and they target the drum so we figured if they could eat it, we can too. I did not want to ruin our walleye meal so I cooked the drum last. I made my buddy taste it first and after taking a large piece and chewing it for quite a while, all he could say is chewy. Yes it was. The meat looked the same as the walleye, no red meat and no off color meat. The taste was just fine only the texture was very firm. So now we call the drum a chewy. I might say that I love catching them also. Deb and I caught 111 of them in 4 hours. They love the bales blade and they will eat anything that a bass will and they fight like the dickens. John

Re: Eating Freshwater Drum

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:56 am
by roncrete
Thanks a lot for the info, guys. And I had no clue about the 'pearls'. Fascinating. I will look for them in the salt water drum the next time the occasion arises.

