New/Old member from Wisconsin

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New/Old member from Wisconsin

Post by JohnScheels »

Hello fellow Spoonpluggers: I've been following the Forum regularly lately in anticipation of the Madison Outing. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you there and listening to spoonplugging discussions. My high school friend and I began learning accurate fishing knowledge when we started following Fishing Facts Magazine in the late 60s. It didn't take long to start catching more fish, having more fun! Of course, we gravitated to the Education Editor, Buck Perrys' teachings. I attended one of Mr. Perrys' seminars in the area and studied his teachings. Many of the other writers in FF were obviously using Mr. Perrys' principles to apply their techniques to find and catch fish. Very long story short, over the years I have enjoyed catching fish using his teachings and still do at age 75.
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Re: New/Old member from Wisconsin

Post by Scott Duff »

John, Welcome-You are to be applauded for your efforts to reconnect to the Spoonplugging community. I suspect there are many more out there who wish they had done the same but never did. Time on the water being key here, of course. Anyway, its clear from the several forums and people encountered on the lakes that there there are a lot more Spoonpluggers, and Spoonplugging interested people out there than is given credit including some young ones. I've seen pictures of the good results in your boat on the Milkwaukee area lakes; kudos to you for being out there and passing this thing on to others in a meaningful way. Madison will have some of the most knowledgeable, hard core, and results-proven Spoonpluggers anywhere. This includes several who had Terry O'Malley (and Vic Saunders) as their first teachers so I'd encourage you and the others to take advantage of that. All levels are welcome and sharing is guaranteed. Terry wanted organized instruction to be offered, too, but that would take a different dynamic. The other priority he wanted to see was a greater emphasis on casting especially for bass, on which I and others here completely agree. Trolling is a great equalizer though as Buck stated. It can be the best option for the persons in the boat, or the situation at hand to end up with a memorable day. Good luck to you in your fishing! Scott
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Re: New/Old member from Wisconsin


Looking forward to the outing and making new friendships,trading conversations,checking out boats,learning,and catching fish! I am coming up with Frank Drahos who is getting back into spoonplugging! We plan to spend our time on Mendota and hopefully hook up with some big pike.Should be interesting for me since I have never been on Mendota. Safe travels to all. l
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Re: New/Old member from Wisconsin

Post by jwt »

Welcome John. I believe you are the friend from NC that David spoke with me about. You came to the right place.
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Re: New/Old member from Wisconsin

Post by JohnScheels »

No JWT... I'm from WI. I see you've been around a while too! I'm 75, still plugging away, spoonplugging since the '70s.
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