Weather video for the north

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Weather video for the north

Post by CHAMP »

David Powell
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John Bales
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Re: Weather video for the north

Post by John Bales »

Something that everyone must think about. I've done it for years and years. Weather and water. He didn't say it like this but depth and speed control will make a catch much of the time if you get it right. There is a lot to think about there. John
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Re: Weather video for the north

Post by peh@007 »

Good video, I believe that Buck had this figured out long ago. I can attest to the upwelling part of this video, as I whittnessed it personally. I was diving from shore in lake Michigan as I had many many times. The area I was at has a swimming area that is roped of about 50 yards from shore. At the rope its about 6-8 feet deep. From there about another 10 - 20 yards it slowly drops another 5 feet, then a quick drop to about 50 feet then a gradual drop to well over 100 ft. The dive the day before the water was warmer and a bit clearer. As I swam I thought I felt something swim by me very fast though I didn't see anything. I looked back behind me and saw what looked like glitter comming down. There is a huge log left behind from the logging days lying on the bottom. I swam over to it and sat down on it and watched the show. A few feet above me was a school of shiners maybe alewives and these huge salmon would swim in from the deep and grab them hitting them so hard that the glitter I saw was their scales. This show went on quite a while. These big fish shot by me so fast I could hardly believe it. They came as close as a couple inches, I could feel them go by. By the way I experienced the upwelling water temp change many times and the temp difference can be a lot.
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Re: Weather video for the north

Post by MuskyAddict »

Very interesting. There is so much to learn. Some days (most days) I wish I was still in my 20’s so that I had a lifetime of learning ahead. I hate that my lakes are 3’ or more thick with ice cover right now. I can’t wait to get out there and learn more. Thanks for sharing this video.

I’m reading “Lunkers Love Nightcrawlers” and learning more about speed control. I surmise that live bait fishing is a dirty word for many of us. However, when weather and water conditions require extremely slow speeds I can see the value of live bait to consistently catch fish no matter the conditions.

3 more months to walleye opener.

Ken Smith, Minnesota

"If you asked me what I thought was the most important thing we have to master in becoming a great fisherman, I'd have to say it is in our ability to "interpret" the fishing situation"
-Buck Perry
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