Ron Lindner RIP

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Ron Lindner RIP

Post by site admin »

Just saw the news that Ron Lindner passed away last night.
Ron and Al were spoonpluggers back in the day. In an interview a few years back Al said once they read Buck's material they started catching fish like nothing before. Terry O'Malley was very fond of the Lindner brothers. I don't know the full history, but I did here Ron in an interview a few years back mention Terry.
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John Bales
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Re: Ron Lindner RIP

Post by John Bales »

When Ron was writing that article, I got a call from him asking me how to get ahold of Terry. Deb answered the phone and had this funny look on her face and when she handed the phone to me she said....... it's Ron Linder. When he spoke, I know it wasn't a prank. He asked me a few spoonplugging questions, I gave him Terry's number and that was about it. John
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Steve Craig
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Re: Ron Lindner RIP

Post by Steve Craig »

Thanks for letting us know Jim!
Religion is a guy in church, thinking about fishing.
Relationship is a guy out fishing, thinking about God!
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