Where would you fish?

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Where would you fish?

Post by site admin »

Haven't had a "lake of the week" for awhile...

Fish (bass) are in summer pattern, where would you fish?
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Re: Where would you fish?

Post by ltharley »

Jim, first off, it is good to see your lake of the week back. Thanks for doing all you do.
That said I would first check out the bar near the bouy line on the North East area as the channel touches it.
Second I would work the bar coming off the North side of Banns point.
Finally, I would give the bar by Elks cove a try as it has that deep slot between it and the Banns point bar.
Looks like a nice lake. How's the water color?
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Re: Where would you fish?

Post by Steve Craig »

Glad you are back doing this.

First, what is the water color?

That said, I like that bar near the Bouy line as well. Right where that channel swings in will probably be the contact point there.
If color is bad, then off to the headwaters I would go.

Dennis's choices are very good too!
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Re: Where would you fish?

Post by site admin »

water color is cypress, no weeds.
This is a cooling lake in southern Illinois.
This was an easy one, ALL 3 of the bars shown produce bass!
This is a great bass lake, if you have a chance, driving thru the area, it is worth fishing.
I've been fishing here for 20 years. about 12 years ago, for some reason water color changed to a medium/dark yellow green. The big bass moved really good on that trip!
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Re: Where would you fish?

Post by jwt »

Is there a delta condition along the channel? The junction of the feeder creek and the channel just north of where the channel swings in toward the bar. Might want to check that out.
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Re: Where would you fish?

Post by site admin »

No delta's on this reservoir.
Here's another section of the reservoir a bit down from the 1st spot.
The "X" is where I made the biggest catch of bass several years ago. On that particular trip it had very good med/dark yellow green water color.
You would think that the other side where the channel /roadbed and island all come together would be a classic great structure, but rarely caught bass there. I think because it has a shallower breakline there. And where the "X" is, I would not think that would of had a huge school of bass on it, but it did. Had a movement of 5lb+ bass, Boated 4 in less than 15 minutes! Just goes to show you you have to fish it to find out!
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