What color Senko is best?

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Mike Paden

What color Senko is best?

Post by Mike Paden »

Link to my video on my option for Senko colors! Let me know what you guys think?
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Re: What color Senko is best?

Post by site admin »

I wish Doug Bush was around to reply to this.....

Since he hasn't been around for a while, I'll respond, and I'll try to be nicer than Doug!
They are all good colors.
Light conditions- lighter colors, dark conditions- darker colors.
I personally don't care a hill of beans about color. When I'm fishing with someone that has a thing for color, I switch colors all day to prove the point.
Put it in front of the fish at the right speed is all you have to do.
My favorite color is the lure that shakes free from the rest of them when i get it out of the tackle box.
I look at color is a way of making fishing fun at times. What I mean, if I'm using a pink SP, and I caught a few fish and notice YOU DON"T have pink, then you bet your behind you will be razzed that they are only hitting Pink that day!! :lol:
Mike Paden

Re: What color Senko is best?

Post by Mike Paden »

wow, thank you so much! i thought color mattered. Now i know it does not! thank you
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Steve Craig
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Re: What color Senko is best?

Post by Steve Craig »

I have a question for you Mike.
I noticed your Signature line. It says you love Spoonplugging.
If that is the case, that would mean you must have read Bucks book or his material?
If that is the case, then why on this earth would you ask the question you just asked?
Jim gave you basically Bucks TEACHING on the subject. It is in the Green Book.

While I agree with the light for light conditions and dark for dark conditions, and yellows, golds, brass are neutral and can be used under all conditions, I do believe that a guy simply has more Confidence, in a particular color.
Case in point.....
I prefer to use a polished silver or a Yellow 90% of the time. I just have more confidence in that color. It is just me.
You may like a different color.
Bucks says: " All success and all failures must be answered in terms of depth and speed control. Not color or size, or action."
Religion is a guy in church, thinking about fishing.
Relationship is a guy out fishing, thinking about God!
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